Green 11+ Years Coaching for Term 4&1. Wednesdays 5pm
About this course
Wed, Oct 16 - Wed, 04 Dec 2024
17:00 - 17:45
Lead coach:
Mat McCutcheon
Available to:
Balmacewen Tennis Club Members only
Notes from the coach
The ball used in the Green stage has a higher compression than the Red and Orange stages (75% of a yellow tennis ball) and children play on a full-size court. Green players may be older children who are new to tennis or players of a good standard who have progressed through the Blue, Red and Orange stages. This is where the players will develop a full understanding of tennis fundamentals and rules.
Dates may vary through the term due to weather or coach availability.
Where to find us
Balmacewen Tennis Club
125 balmacewen road, maori hill, dunedin, . 9010