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"Central Club of the Year 2023" Newsletter

It is with immense pleasure that we bring you the exciting news that Levin Tennis Club has just won the Central "Club of the year 2023"  trophy, an honor that shines brightly on all of us and speaks volumes of our collective committment and dedication over the last year and passion to make Tennis more accessible to the community of Levin.

‘Ehara taku toa i te takiahi, i te takitini ke!’ The valour is not mine alone but of the many who stand beside me.

Word from Tennis New Zealand:

‘A club that has worked this year to develop a full package for its members’. 


Word from our very own club President:

"Your trophy takes pride and place in our clubroom, enjoy it, take pride in it because as a Levin Tennis Club member you have earnt and deserve it. "