
🎾🎾 RTC Monthly Update 🎾🎾

Welcome to the 2024/25 Season.  All renewal memberships have been sent out from our Clubspark website so if you haven't received one please get in touch.

Upcoming Events - dates for your diaries!

Presidents v Captains Tournament - 5th October 2024 - a great warm up for Presidents!  Click on the following link to download information and how to enter:

Captain's v President's info

Child & Parent/Guardian Tournament - 27th October 2024 - a new fun tournament where the Adult needs to play with their less dominant hand!  Click on the following link to download information and how to enter:

Junior Tournament

Annual Christmas Tournament - 13th December 2024.  Details to follow.

Thanks to those who attended out AGM last week and welcome to our 2024/25 Committee.  Thanks for putting your hands up to support our Club.  The 2024/25 Committee Members are:

President - Ross Broadbridge, Secretary - Wendy Adams, Treasurer - Hayley Bann, Club Captain - Leigh Andrews, Committee Members - Robin King, Tony Andrews, Ant Bowron, Mike Bann, Mary Stebbings and Julie Broadbridge.

Click on the following link to download the AGM Minutes:

AGM 2024 Minutes and Supporting Docs

Sponsor of the Month

Shout out to our Sponsor of the month, the team at BEL Forestry Ltd. We thank you for your continued support of our great club.  Our Sponsors allow our Club to maintain and keep improving our facilities. 

Remember please where you can, support those who support our club and if you know anyone who may be interested in purchasing a banner for advertising please ask them to get in touch with Leigh Andrews at  Banners start from just $500 per year.