Players from Clubs around Auckland Tennis Masters Auckland

Nationals & Teams

Our Gold Medalists from National Championships held in Nelson this Year. A full list of winner can be found on the TNZM Website


Singles 30+  Ryan Eggers, Singles 35+ Karan Chaudhary,  Singles 60+ Wayne Molloy, Singles 65+ John Lawrence Singles 80+ John Cook


Singles 45+ Agi Harmath-Parkin, Singles 55+ Angela Swinkels 


Womens Doubles 55+ Angela Swinkels with Ruth Sleeman


30+ Ryan Eggers With Ange Fitzgerald, 40+ Pranil Ranchhod with Wendy Jambor, 60+ John Lawrence and Angela Holtem, 65+ Peter Lehrke with Rose Gardiner


Next up is 

Teams Event is after that Tauranga 18th April to 20th April 2025.


Keep an eye on Tennis Masters New Zealand website for more information on both

Let us know it you are interested in forming or being in a team

Keep an eye out as Fixture dates for the year are being organised



Tennis Masters Auckland (TMA) organises and co-ordinates tennis activities for players  30 + years of age in the Auckland region.  Our membership is drawn from tennis clubs throughout the Tennis Auckland Association.  Most of our tournaments and activities are scheduled during the winter months to avoid overlapping with the normal summer tennis season.

Unlike conventional tennis clubs, we do not have our own club facilities, but rather organise our events at various tennis clubs around Auckland.  This means our fees are very reasonable - $25 per season, provided that you are a member of an Tennis Auckland, tennis club.

TMA provides members with a range of opportunities to play both social and competitive tennis against other senior players.  We host indoor social tennis sessions regularly, and also play annual interprovincial fixtures against our neighbouring Tennis Masters & Seniors Associations.

Membership in TMA also provides access to many Masters & Seniors tournaments throughout the country, the ability to represent Auckland in National tournaments, and even a pathway to selection in New Zealand teams to play internationally in  ITF sanctioned events.