Friday Flash
Fri, 13 Aug 2021 00:00

Club Presidents Message
Hi everyone,
I hope all is well and your tennis has been enjoyable.
Watching our men win a tennis bronze medal at the Olympics was amazing. They did it with dignity and class against much higher opposition and better funded opposition. It would have been fantastic if our own Paige Hourigan could have teamed up with Micheal Venus or Marcus in the mixed doubles. I would be willing to bet that they would of had a very good chance of getting a medal. I would also be willing to wager that Paige will be at the Olympics in three years time as she really is that good.
From a club perspective we also punch above our weight. The new assets we have added to our facility (in the last few years) rival or better any other club in New Zealand. The programs we have offered schools this term and next are first class . The services and benefits we offer our members are also first class. We are very very very lucky to not only have a great club but also a fantastic network of tennis volunteers.
Why do we volunteer? There are many reasons . I volunteered originally for my children as did Roland. We started out cooking sausages at our junior open. Others volunteer because they feel it is their time to help the club. Others volunteer because other tennis friends ask them to help out. Whether it be a working bee , arranging matches on the board , arranging mid year lunches or working in the kitchen you are worth your weight in gold.
All volunteers need to be very careful because before you know it you have created life long friends and in a blink of an eye 10,20, 30 years of fun and fulfillment have gone passed.
Thank you to all our volunteers . If this was the Olympics I would have awarded you all the Gold medal.
See you all on Saturday
AGM - Thursday 26th August
Our AGM is fast approaching and it is very important that you all make it. The AGM date is Thursday August 26th at 6.30 pm. We will be going over our year, advising new membership fees, voting in a new committee, plus lots more. We will also be launching our new logos, website and club playing shirts.
A great thing to mention is that the majority of the committee (even after three years service ) wish to remain and carry on the great work they are doing.
New Website
We have now changed over our website to Tennis New Zealand's CLUBSPARK. This is an integrated website package that allows you to make court bookings, register online for your membership and club events, and provides us with a membership database.
Big thank you to Sherylynn Kleingeld for all of your hard work in setting up the new website and membership database.
New Club Logo
We now have a new logo for the club, voted in unanimously by both the Junior & Senior committees. Big thank you to Gus Kleingeld for his creative talents in designing a number of logos for the committees to choose from.
Courts Unavailable
The courts will be unavailble for use on Thurday the 19th August from 12pm - 2:30pm due to a school tournament being hosted at the club.
Thank you for your patience.
Lounge Closed - 21st August
The lounge is booked for a private function from 2pm on Saturday 21st August. There will be a bar set up in the Palm Lounge downstairs for any tennis and squash players wanting to have a drink after their games.
Saturday 18th September from 10am - 4pm
We need as many volunteers as possible for our LOVE TENNIS Day (Opening Day). Its the best opportunity we have to promote our club to the community, and encourage new members to join.
Please email Steven if you can help, and keep the 18th of September free.
Great to see some of our club members involved in a Palmerston North Seniors Tournament a few weeks ago. The Whanganui teams managed to win a few bottles of wine over the weekend. Absent from the photo is Joseph.
Big thanks to all our generous sponsors for supporting the Whanganui Junior Open. This includes the continued support of our Major Sponsor ST JOHN'S CLUB.
Also big thanks to Gus Kleingeld for once again providing your creative talents to design the tournament flyer.
Coaching Mondays & Wednesdays
Matt is now available on Mondays and Wednesdays for coaching. Give him a call as spaces are filling up fast!
Terry's Restringing Services
Kirschbaum Max Power Rough 1.25 $50
Gosen 17g nylon mono-filament - $45
Mantis 17g Power synthetic gut - $40
Forten 15g nylon - $35
Can usually complete in 24 hours.
Contact Terry - 021 242 4800 / 06 343 1011
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Committee communication:
President: David Butters 021 244 2178
Vice President: Roland Hiri 027 225 9996
Club Captain: Richard Muraahi 022 604 9485
Secretary: Leon Carter 027 924 4486
Treasurer: Gillian Pickett 027 746 7054
Committee: Nola Fraser, Darryl Thompson, Robert Scott, Matt Power, Ash Sutton.
Development Officer: Steven Brindle 027 362 6025
Head Coach: Matt Ward 027 882 7384
Friday Flash Editor: Steven Brindle
Please email through any info by Wednesday. Thanks!