Friday Flash
Fri, 19 Nov 2021 00:00

Upcoming Club Events
- Christmas Doubles Fund tournament – 18th December – 11am start – further details to follow
- Vintage Day – 24th January
- Generations Shield – 30th January
- Club Champ Singles – Entries close 30th January – preliminary games through to finals to be arranged individually by players, finals to be played on finals day.
- Handicap Doubles Club Champs – 13th February
- Mixed Doubles Club Champs – 13th March
- Doubles Club Champs – 27th March
- Finals Day - 3rd April
Whanganui Junior Reps VS Wairarapa
A Team of 11 players travelled to Masterton on the 7th November to take on Waiarapa. Players had 3 – 4 singles matches in a tournament format and a doubles match, as unfortunately due to a number of late withdrawals we were unable to play the fixture as planned. However it was a great opportunity for our players to improve their matchplay against different opposition and get some more ranking points.
Thank you to Dave, Revel and Sherylynn for managing the team.
Our team included: Poppy, Ruby, Presteej, Colwyn, Chris, Angus, Lucas, Jack, Edward, Poon and Paul.
Business House - Update
We have 9 teams entered in Term 4, with talk already from the players involved that they have more players keen to join us for the Term 1 competition.
So far we have had 3 rounds of matches, with 4 rounds left to play. The combined competition with the Squash Club has been a real success with a great vibe in the clubrooms. Alastair's team are doing a great job with catering dinner, and everyone is enjoying the social competition.
Candy Delights VS Group Therapy 4 - 2
Rob's Mob VS X10is 4 - 2
H.O.G. VS McKrofs 3 - 3
Blocks VS Suit Hire 4 - 2
H.O.G. VS Blocks 3 - 3
Working On It VS Candy Delights 4 - 2
Rob's Mob VS Group Therapy 4 - 2
McKrofs VS Suit Hire 4 - 2
Group Therapy VS X10is 51/2 - 1/2
Blocks VS McKrofs 5 - 1
Working On It VS Rob's Mob 4 - 2
H.O.G. VS Suit Hire 3 - 3
Tuesday 30th November
Caroline's Boatshed
1130am order taken for 12pm meal
All Club Members and Partners welcome
Please add names to List in Control Room or on the Notice Board at end of Stand, no later than Thursday morning 25th November
Junior Coaching Update
The Junior Committee introduced subsidised group coaching for our juniors this term. It has been a real success with 34 junior members enrolled in our junior coaching on Mondays and Wednesdays with Matt & Dana.
We have also continued our Development Squads from winter, with the inclusion of 4 more players this term, making a total of 13 players in the 2 squads.The development squads train twice a week with Matt.
The Squads include: Chris, Presteej, Poppy, Naomi, Mackenzie, Ryan, Nathan, Sam, Lucas, Colwyn, Jack, Tukorero & Angus.
Adult Coaching Update
Following on from the success of the 'Back To Tennis' free lessons for adults on Wednesday nights in October, we now have 2 groups of adults having lessons with Dana on Monday nights from 6:15pm and 7:15pm in Term 4.
We plan to add additional coaching sessions in Term 1.
Family Fun Fridays
- Starts Friday 29th October.
- 5:30pm - 7pm
- Activities for the kids
- Matchplay and some coaching for the parents
- 7pm Pizza & Drinks in the upstairs lounge
- Entry Fee covers the cost of the pizzas: $5 per family for members or $10 per family for non-members
Saturday Primary & Intermediate League
- Matchplay for members and non-members.
- Full court, Half Court, Mini-tennis
- FREE to members or non-members pay $20 for 6 weeks
- Enter through your school. They have been emailed all the info
- Starts Saturday 6th November
- 0845 Registration & Warm-up
- 0900 - 1030 matchplay
Terry's Restringing Services
Kirschbaum max power rough 1.25 $60
Prince duraflex syn gut 16g $50
Forten comp nylon 15L $40
Own Strings $30
Can usually complete within 24 hours
Contact Terry on 343 1011 or 0212 424 800
Committee communication:
President: David Butters 021 244 2178
Vice President: Roland Hiri 027 225 9996
Club Captain: Linda James 027 4876053
Secretary: Leon Carter 027 924 4486
Treasurer: Gillian Pickett 027 746 7054
Committee: Darryl Thompson, Robert Scott, and Ash Sutton.
Development Officer: Steven Brindle 027 362 6025
Head Coach: Matt Ward 027 882 7384
Friday Flash Editor: Steven Brindle
Please email through any info by Wednesday. Thanks!
Brought to you by the Whanganui Tennis Club.
Please use the contact list above for any non Friday-Flash related queries.