Friday Flash
Fri, 17 Sep 2021 00:00

AGM - Thursday 30th September
Our AGM is fast approaching and it is very important that you all make it. The AGM date is Thursday September 30th at 6pm. We will be going over our year, advising new membership fees, voting in a new committee, plus lots more. We will also be launching our new logos, website and club playing shirts.
A great thing to mention is that the majority of the committee (even after three years service ) wish to remain and carry on the great work they are doing.
A new Business House League will start in Term 4 on Thursday 21st October. It is a combined Business House with the Squash Club. The leagues will run separately, but we will come together at 7:30pm for drinks and dinner, along with raffles and spot prizes.
- When: Thursdays 5:30pm - 7:30pm. Starts 21st October.
- Duration: 7 weeks in Term 4
- Tennis Teams: 4 players (any gender combinations)
- Tennis Grades: Social and Competitive
- Tennis Format: Each player has 3 doubles matches, playing with each team member. Each match is 20mins, with a break of 20 mins between matches.
- Tennis Fee: $80 per team
- Dinner: Buy a meal ticket before matches start. Menu will vary from burges & chips, Pizza, and BBQ.
Enter online. We only have space for the first 14 teams.
2021-2022 Memberships
Renewals and new memberships for the 2021-2022 season will be opened online next week. I will send you more information early next week.
Lighting Upgrades
Courts 1 - 7 now have the new LED lights installed. Big thank you to Darryl Thompson for organising this.
Courts 8 & 9 will have their lights changed within the next 2 weeks. They currently have 3 out of 4 lights due to an issue with one of the lighting poles.
Join us tonight at 6pm for tennis, pizza (bring $5) and live music from 6pm to celebrate the new lights.
Saturday 21st November from 10am - 4pm
We need as many volunteers as possible for our LOVE TENNIS Day (Opening Day). Its the best opportunity we have to promote our club to the community, and encourage new members to join.
Please email Steven if you can help, and keep the 21st November free.
Big thanks to all our generous sponsors for supporting the Whanganui Junior Open. This includes the continued support of our Major Sponsor ST JOHN'S CLUB.
Also big thanks to Gus Kleingeld for once again providing your creative talents to design the tournament flyer.
Coaching Mondays & Wednesdays
Terry's Restringing Services
Kirschbaum Max Power Rough 1.25 $50
Gosen 17g nylon mono-filament - $45
Mantis 17g Power synthetic gut - $40
Forten 15g nylon - $35
Can usually complete in 24 hours.
Contact Terry - 021 242 4800 / 06 343 1011
Committee communication:
President: David Butters 021 244 2178
Vice President: Roland Hiri 027 225 9996
Club Captain: Richard Muraahi 022 604 9485
Secretary: Leon Carter 027 924 4486
Treasurer: Gillian Pickett 027 746 7054
Committee: Nola Fraser, Darryl Thompson, Robert Scott, Matt Power, Ash Sutton.
Development Officer: Steven Brindle 027 362 6025
Head Coach: Matt Ward 027 882 7384
Friday Flash Editor: Steven Brindle
Please email through any info by Wednesday. Thanks!
Brought to you by the Whanganui Tennis Club.
Please use the contact list above for any non Friday-Flash related queries.