Avalon Seniors are a very social bunch,  and we offer something for everyone, including those who want to play at a competitive level.  We currently have a Premier 1  mens team, a Premier 2 mens team and a Premier 4 mens team.  We also have 2  Hutt Valley Division 1  teams,  and a womens doubles team.

  • Tuesday morning -  midweek: 9.30-12.30pm. Non- competitive doubles.   Cost is $2 which covers your morning tea, lucky draw and several lunches throughout the year.
  • Tuesday evening - senior club night 5.30-9.30pm (summer) 5.30-8.30pm (winter).  Often followed by refreshments and a chat afterwards.
  • Wednesday interclub practice for those that belong to a team 6.30-8.00pm
  • Thursday doubles league - organised match play for Intermediate/Advanced players
  • Saturday - Free adult coaching 10.30am
  • Saturday- senior interclub - 1.00-6.00pm  We welcome all members to come down to watch and support some great tennis
  • $5 for visitors from other clubs.
  • $15 casual
  • $50 for a 5 trip card, which can be bought once, and taken off your membership fee if you join.


For more information regarding interclub: Kim Massam 0274701331