Sunday 25th August 2024 @ 1pm, at the clubrooms

Whilst we have had a robust committee for the last few years, we would like to encourage ALL members to attend the AGM and consider taking an active role. The club is run by volunteers only and I think all members will agree that the current committee has done an amazing job. Please note that any new committee members will be actively supported in their roles.

·        President -  principal leadership of the club

·        Secretary – club administration, including minutes and emails

·        Club Captain – oversee “tennis” events, including club sessions and tournaments

·        Treasurer -  maintain and report the club financial accounts, manage subs and invoices/bills

·        Social Media/Communication – manage social media posts and newsletters (new role)

·        Property/Maintenance – coordinate maintenance-related activities (new role)

·        Funding – prepare and manage funding applications

·        Farndon Park Rep – liaise and attend meetings between our club and Farndon Park Board

·        Tennis Eastern Rep – liaise and attend meetings between our club and Tennis Eastern

·        Junior Parent Liaison Rep – provide feedback from junior perspective (new role)       

·        General Committee Members – attend committee meetings and assist as required with ad-hoc tasks and events


Committee meetings are held 4-6 weekly during the tennis season and less frequently in the off-season.


Amongst other agenda items, membership fees for the upcoming 2024-25 season will be reviewed and confirmed at the AGM.  Membership renewal date is 1 October 2024.


If you would like to add any items to the AGM Agenda, please email the details to


We would like to take this opportunity to thank Chris Pike for representing our club at the Ladies Interclub AGM in recent years.  We require a volunteer to attend the Ladies Interclub AGM this year and report back to our committee.  We ask existing members of our ladies interclub teams (Satellites/Comets) to consider putting their name forward for this please.