Play Tennis


SENIOR  club day currently  every  Sunday 2pm-4pm 

Next  Club Social night TBA  

Please everyone come along for a hit and  fun and get to know your fellow members.


Every Thursday,  doubles play 9:30am -11am  followed by morning tea 

Midweek Duty tasks

  • Provide milk and morning tea
  • Organise games
  • Check toilets for all paper refills and clean if necessary
  • Empty toilet rubbish bins into main bin in kitchen
  • If cleaner not due- vacuuming is required
  • Put on dishwasher and ensure lock up done
  • Other members will help with these tasks so it is not too onerous

GTC Singles League-all year round 

Free and exclusive to club members only. Juniors 15 up welcome.

Play a singles match to 9 games or 1 hour- whichever first.

Flexible match,  set up the date with your oppositions. 

Can opt in or out at the end of each round according to your schedule and resume next time whenever.
Very flexible.

Details here



       Hotshots Junior  Saturday morning coaching  Starting again  in Term 4 2024

   Every Saturday Term 4 and Term 1  for non interclub junior members. 

  • 5-9 years old  8.30am - 9.30am
  • 10 + years old  9.30am - 10.30am

