
Senior Interclub

Competitions run from September to April, with a Christmas break from mid-December to mid-January.

You can play in as many of the competitions as you wish, the cost is $95 to cover balls and entry fee. Matches are played fortnightly and the options are:

  • Mens Singles played Monday or Tuesday evenings
  • Midweek Ladies Doubles played Monday or Tuesday mornings
  • Womens Singles played Wednesday evenings
  • Mens or Womens Doubles played Thursday evenings
  • Mixed Doubles played Saturday afternoons

You can also choose to be a reserve if you are unable to commit every fortnight.

Winter Interclub

Competitions run from May to August.

Matches are played fortnightly except for singles which are 5 matches to be played within 8 weeks. The options for winter interclub are:

  • Mens Singles played Tuesday evenings
  • Womens Singles Wednesday evenings
  • Mens or Womens Doubles played Thursday evenings
  • Mixed Doubles playes Saturday Afternoons

Juniors Interclub

Competitions run from October to March.

The cost is $50 to cover balls and entry fee. Matches are played weekly and players are put into teams based on ages.

Ages as at the 30th April 2021:

10 and under played Wednesday afternoon
12 and under played Saturday morning
15 and under played Saturday afternoon
18 and under played Friday afternoon
Premier Grades played Sunday (for playes that consistently win their age group).
Premier grades are based on ranking points not age.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch and we will be happy to answer. 

For interclub please contact Abbey (Club Manager)