Sign up as a Member

Membership packages have been simplified for the 2024/25 season (refer below) with discounts still available for couples and families.  Membership packages are based on the season which commences on 1 September and runs through until 31 August.

Family discounts (immediate family only) = 

10% for 2 x family members

20% for 3 x family members

30% for 4+ x family members

Please note that we are changing to a new access system "Hello Club" in February 2025.  Anyone joining from 1st February 2025 onwards will have to pay an additional $10.50 for a new access fob key. 

Select the relevant membership below and click "Join Now".  This will allow you to enter your details which will be recorded into our database.  Please read our Club Rules and Code of Conduct on this website which all our members must agree and abide to.

Our bank account number is  06-0317-0034428-00 to make payment.  Please use your surname as reference.

Come down to one of our club sessions to meet us and try out the club for yourself. 

See our membership options below


Junior 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

18 years and under

Eligibility: This package allows unlimited court access (subject to availability). Junior club day is held on Friday afternoons and is managed by our club coach. Interclub is also available for those wanting advanced/competitive games (at an additional cost)

Join now

Junior Interclub 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

Interclub for juniors to 18yrs

Join now

Senior 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

19 years +

Eligibility: This package allows for unlimited court access (subject to court availability). Enjoy the facilities and amenities the club provides plus access to our resident coach. Interclub options are also available (additional fee applies).

Join now

Senior Interclub 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

Interclub players > 19 years

Eligibility: 19 years +

Join now