Court Bookings

As as a member of Mairangi Bay Tennis Club you agree to respect and abide by our club rules. These rules are in place to ensure all members have fair access to our facilities.  Please make sure you understand the rules before making a booking. Click "Show more" below to see the rules.



Booking Allowances

- Court bookings may be made by full financial members of MBTC, this does not include second club members. Visitors may play on a members’ booking up three times before joining as a member. See our Visitors Policy.

- Court bookings can be made for a maximum of 1 ½ hours. Back-to-back bookings are not permitted. Please note that you are welcome to carry on playing if the court has not been booked after you, but the same players may not book under another name for an extended booking.

- Members may have ONE booking per day, with a maximum of TWO active bookings in the system, up to 14 days in advance.

- Senior members will have priority for court bookings during weekday peak times over the summer interclub season. This is defined as Monday to Friday 6-10pm between Sept 16 th – Dec 16 th & Jan 28 th – Apr 13 th . This rule does not apply on weekends and over the Xmas school holiday period. During these times: Junior members (with the exception of juniors playing senior interclub) may not book courts or play with a senior member who has booked the court under the senior’s name. Juniors may ‘walk on’ and play if a court has not been booked/is not in use.


Terms of Use

- Bookings MUST be cancelled as soon as possible if you are unable to play, to allow others to book the court.

- Bookings will be held for 15min after the beginning of the booking time, after this the booking will be forfeit & others can take the court.

- Court bookings MUST include the names of ALL participating players, and the booking member must be one of the named players. The booking member is responsible for ensuring the visitor fee is paid for any non-members on the booking to the honesty box or the club account 03-0180-0004331-00.

- If a booking is made following scheduled interclub, completion of the interclub match takes priority.

- Have consideration for other players – be aware of court etiquette rules; no ball carriers, baskets or feeders are allowed on court after 6pm.

- Have consideration for our neighbours – turn of the floodlights before leaving. No play is allowed before 7am or after 10.30pm.


Court Booking Rule Management
The Committee will monitor the court bookings closely this season and will follow up with members who disregard the booking rules. The following procedures are in place to address members who do not abide by the rules listed above. Members who have their booking rights suspended will receive email notification of the penalty. During the suspension period, they will not be able to access the court booking system, they may not play under other members bookings, and any existing bookings will be cancelled.


Procedure for addressing court booking rule infringements
Any misuse of the club’s court booking policies as determined by the Club Committee, will result in penalties. 
The following procedure applies for those who do not follow the booking rules:

- 1st offence: email or phone call to member to advise of the issue and clarify any misunderstandings.

- 2nd offence: suspension of booking rights for 7 days.

- 3rd offence: suspension of booking rights for 2 weeks.

- 4th offence: (the larger of) suspension of booking rights for 3 months or the remainder of the season.