Introducing our Head Coach, Blair O'Brien!
Blair has over twenty years coaching experience, and a passion for tennis which he loves to share. Blair provides coaching for all levels and ages, both individual and group lessons. Choose the specific tabs for detailed information about Juniors, Adults and Private Lessons.
Summer Holiday Programmes:
We have 4 weeks of holiday camps available over the summer school holidays, one before Christmas, and three after. The camps have become fully booked weeks in advance, so please book early to avoid missing out.
Camps cost $220 for non-members or $198 for members for a week, or $50 for non-members, $45 for members 9-12pm daily. Red Ball is 12:30-1:30pm daily. Click on the links below for more information and booking.
13-17 January: Orange, Green, Yellow Ball, Red Ball.
20-24 January: Orange, Green, Yellow Ball, Red Ball.
28-31 January (4 days): Orange, Green, Yellow Ball, Red Ball.
For more information about our free coaching for junior members offered in Terms 1 and 4 click on the link below:
Free Coaching in Terms 1 and 4
For all coaching enquiries contact
Blair O'Brien
Mobile: 027 310 1155