Membership Options

SUBSCRIPTIONS 2024/25 Season

Seniors (Interclub)
$195 reduced to $185 if paid by 31 October 2024,  (Premier players please add a $20 surcharge)

Family (Interclub)
If three or more members from the same immediate family, 10% discount on respective individual fees if paid in a lump sum.

12 - 18 Years (Interclub)
$98 reduced to $95 if paid by 31 October 2024.

Senior (Social)
$120 reduced to $115 if paid by 31 October 2024.

Family (Social)
If three or more members from the same immediate family, 10% discount on respective individual fees if paid in a lump sum. 

Casual Players (not club members)
$5 per session (Saturday social tennis)

$10 per session (other days and times)

Note *:
1. If you have already paid an affiliation fee with your subscription to another Club, then please deduct the affiliation fee (Senior = $63.50; 12-18 yrs incl. =$32; Under 12 years = $13.00).

Payment of subscriptions:
Please pay subs direct to the Rapaura Tennis Club bank account:
KiwiBank Account No: 38-9026-0312652-01 and enter your name and sub in the Reference box.