Eastern Community Sport & Recreation

Eastern Community Sport and Recreation Inc
South Brighton Tennis Club are a member club of ECSR. They provide support to us for funding applications, legal suport and end of year company accounts and filing.
We now aim to develop a multi-purpose facility located on Rawhiti Domain (as per the Rawhiti Domain Management Plan) to meet a variety of leisure, sport and recreational needs of people in the New Brighton area. Specifically:
• to ensure the sustainability of the umbrella organisation tasked with delivering community sports and recreation activity under the direction of a constitution that serves the needs of the founding clubs
• to develop an appropriate funding plan that involves the sale of assets, provision of capital, removal of older buildings on the reserve and funding support from key Trusts, the Christchurch City Council and Lotteries Commission
• to provide an active indoor sport and community space for a range of indoor/outdoor sport and fitness activities. A facility that delivers on our original intention for the Rawhiti Domain and favours a flexible, adaptable and potentially relocatable solution (in line with the reserves management plan)
• to deliver a large and comprehensive range of sport and recreation programmes from the sport hall, courts and fields of the complex, starting with those that will provide opportunities for the founding clubs, but including those that will assist other similarly mandated organisations such as Sport Canterbury, Christchurch City Council, and other sport and programme providers.
None of this success would have been possible without the generous support of a host of sponsors and financial backers. From those who contribute to specific programmes or projects, to the funding agencies that support our entire operation, we offer a big, hearty…thanks heaps!