Open days underway with new courts
Wed, 22 Sep 2021 00:00
Great turnout on our Saturday and Midweek season opening days. Although these were low key, our new front courts supplied and installed by @prestigesportsurfaces are looking great.
A big thank you to Rātā Foundation and the New Zealand Community Trust (NZCT) who funded this project.
Special thanks to the Halswell/Wigram Battlers who gave it their all to remove the old turf and sand in preparation for the new courts. Huge effort.
The old turf was donated and reused, with less than 1% going to landfill. We understand a piece has made it's way to Mt Olympus Ski Resort.
We took the opportunity to futureproof the courts with provisioning for lighting, security and comms. New asphalt and trench work was carried out by Circuit Asphalt, who did a fantastic job.
Due to the Covid lockdown, an official unveiling was unable to be held but we are aiming to have the stakeholders along at Level 1 for a "thank you" event. Details TBC.
Thanks to all club and Committe members who helped out. This was really a community effort for the community.
We hope to see you soon on the new courts.
(Courts: APT Asia Pacific Pty Ltd Omnicourt® Pro 17)