Our Supporters


Spreydon Tennis Club exists because of the time, energy and resources generously donated by many individuals and organisations over the years. Because we've been around for nearly 100 years, It is impossible to list all those who have been part of our history over the last century. We are hugely indebted to the following supporters, among so many others:

  • George Wear, who started the club and was Founding President in 1922.
  • Warwick Reese, who was President when our Clubhouse was destroyed by fire in 1986 and helped with a challanging rebuild.
  • George Miller, Life Member, who served as President and in many other roles over the decades.
  • Theo Van der Aa - Life Member, who served as President and Patron for many years, key figure in the deveopment of courts 6-8 in 2008-2009.


Donated $25,000 towards our 2020 New Courts Project

Donated $45,000 towards our 2020 New Courts Project

Donated $3,000 towards new heatpump supply and install costs for clubhouse in 2020.