
Newsletter May 2023

Hi TKHP tennis players

A hardy team of members, Mark, Milo, Sharee, Jo and Nic (led by Tim Preston) formed a working party last weekend, to dig a trench to hook up our antiquated septic tank with the new infrastructure serving the soon-to-be-completed Old Boys changing rooms (which you would have noticed being built over the last few months).  It did have some hairy challenges, with the unexpected consequence - that our fresh water supply valve is now happily located in a handy position (as opposed to across Hagley Park by the Girls High School!)

We wish to thank our members Petra, Bruce and Trevor, who gave up their Sunday morning recently to volunteer at the Christchurch Marathon.   This was a fundraiser for TKHP.  Look out for this when we advertise next year, join the team, and help our Club fundraise for future projects.

On that note, the Committee are investigating a potential upgrade to the lights on Row 2, to make them all LED;  to renovate the court surfaces on Row 2;  and a kitchen renovation; and the list goes on....   We will keep you up to date with any developments.

The lights and poles for Row 1 will be on site later this week, and installation will take ~ 3 weeks.  There has been much anticipation around their arrival, and cannot wait to see them in use.

We are still advertising for a 'cleaner' for the clubhouse. It is a paid hour's job each week. If you know someone who would be interested, please ask them to get in touch with us.

Lastly, we kindly ask that you refrain from parking on the volley board as it impedes its use for other players.  We understand that parking can be challenging at times, but we kindly ask that you respect the club's facilities and your fellow players by parking your vehicles in the designated parking areas.  By doing so, you help ensure that the club remains in top condition for everyone's enjoyment.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Any news or photos you would like published? Send them through to

Winter Midweek Tennis
is now at your favourite court ....

Come on down Wednesday mornings for your off-season, Wednesday morning play at our Club starting at 10am. Format to be three sets of play. Stay for a coffee/tea afterwards if you have time.  No need to book, just come on down to the club.   

Any queries or more information please contact Sharee ‭027 303 0024‬ 

Exciting news - Pickleball will soon be making its appearance at TKHP.  More info to come soon.....

Senior Interclub

The end of Senior Interclub was celebrated recently. A  big thank you to everybody who came down for our senior prizegiving and those who helped with the BBQ. 

There were additional awards for  best captain, sportsmanship and the most winningest singles and doubles players in the Womens, Mens and Mixed grades!

Most interclub wins (womens singles) - Katelyn Roberts
Most interclub wins (womens doubles) - Katelyn Roberts

Most interclub wins (mens singles) - Ed Parkes
Most interclub wins (mens doubles) - Ed Parkes

Most interclub wins (mixed - womens) - Chistine Yap
Most interclub wins (mixed - mens) - Matthew Goddard

Captain Award (men) - Hunter Stivens 
Captain Award (women) - Courtney Joblin

Captain Award (mixed) - Ellen Logan
Most improved (men) - Ray Xu
Most improved (women) - Nurina Katta

Thank you to Beth who organised this event.

The Racquet Room, operated by our coaches Hugo and Noah, have you covered for every Racquet requirement.  
You can make contact via the website or see them at the Clubhouse.

Valid for all TKHP Tennis members