Newsletter April 2024

April 2024

Hello members

Thus far, 2024 has proven to be a bustling year for both coaches and tennis enthusiasts, seizing the opportunity to relish the crisp autumn weather, the allure of the lawn courts, and engaging in the Club Championships.

As it's been some time since our last Newsletter, we invite you to savor this edition, filled with updates and highlights to catch up on!

The Committee is delighted to announce that our fundraising efforts are steadily gaining momentum, as evidenced by the rising levels on our noticeboard Thermometer. As the year unfolds, the Committee is actively strategizing additional avenues to further propel this progress. Members possessing event planning expertise are encouraged to step forward and lend their valuable skills.

We extend our sincere gratitude to Adele, a dedicated club member, for generously donating a newish fridge/freezer. This upgrade is a significant enhancement over the previous model and is greatly appreciated by all.

A warm welcome to our new club members -

New Senior members
Melvin Hallegado, Nick Wang

New Junior members
Albert Liu, Dojoon Jung, Jayson Zhang, Clair Surovaya, Max Wu & Matt Duan


On a beautiful Saturday afternoon last weekend, some of the finals were played.  There was a great vibe at the clubhouse with plenty of support for the players. 

Results so far:

Mens Singles: Franklin Barry
Womens Singles: tba
Mens Doubles: tba
Womens Doubles: Beth Williamson and Michelle Kelsen
Mixed Doubles: Beth Williamson and Hugo Strang

Hugo & Beth

Beth and Michelle came back from  0-5 in the 2nd set to take the win from Petra and Christine

Senior Interclub

Thanks to all the members who represented TKHP by playing in the Tennis Canterbury Interclub competitions this season. We had a total of eight senior teams playing and had some incredible results. Special mention goes to the Div 3 women and premier women for both making their respective grade finals!

Premier - 2nd place
Div 1 - 4th place
Div 3 - 2nd place

Premier - 6th place 
Div1 - 3rd place
Div 2 - 4th place
Div 3 - 7th place
Div 4 - 6th place 

Congrats to all the TKHP 23/24 senior interclub prize winners!

Most Improved - men
Div 1 - Matt Goddard
Div 2 - Ray Xu 
Div 3 - Tiger Wang 
Div 4 - Yajat Lamba 

Most Improved - women
Prems - Adele Orangi 
Div 1 - Gemma Pepper
Div 3 - Carol Chin 

Most Interclub wins 
Men's singles: Lester Lai (8 wins)
Men's doubles: Matt Goddard and Seb Kerr (9 wins)
Women's singles: Kaori Hughes (10 wins)
Women's doubles: Carol Chin (9 wins)

Club captain award for the best captain: 
Men: Seb Kerr 
Women: Carol Chin

Beth, Matt Goddard, Seb Kerr and Noah

Carol Chin, Beth Williamson, Matt Goddard,
Yajat Lamba, Ray Xu, Noah and Tiger Wang

Beth, Carol Chin, and Noah

Adult group coaching: 

Tennis Xpress for beginner players (Tues and Wed 6PM) continues through Winter and there are also groups who are gaining confidence in point play. 
We have ladies morning group coaching on Tues and Thurs 10AM.
We are looking at starting a new intermediate adult group on Thurs 6PM for players with match experience wanting to join inter club or progress to a higher level.   Email Hugo about joining any of these groups.

🐝 Working Bee Report 🐝

The working bee on row four was successful with a great initial turnout and a much improved turnaround on the trailering, we got all the topsoil onto the grass in time for morning tea, which is a big improvement on recent years. Kudos to Sam, Sharee and Rosie for some good efforts driving and keeping Bryce very busy on the loader. Everyone adjourned to the Pavilion for a spectacular morning tea put on by the most hospitable Vicky, complete with hot scones straight from the oven, also hot cross buns, assorted jams, tea, coffee, orange juice and fruit. With resumption around mid-morning, though a few people had to drop off, so numbers were a bit thin on the spreading operation, so we didn't get quite as much done as Tim would have liked but a good effort all the same and row four should be much happier for our efforts next season.  A huge thank you to all involved.  (such happy faces)


Senior Tournament Report

Our Club held it's 49th Masters Tennis Tournament on the weekend of 20/21  January 

The club is especially grateful to Philip Trusttum ONZM who continues to donate a piece of his artwork for the club to auction, with all proceeds, put towards the club.  Over the years, the club has benefited to the tune of many thousands due to Philip’s generosity.

This year, David Corlett, a former President of (what was) Hagley Park Tennis Club, was the highest bidder.  David and his wife Eunju are huge fans of Philip’s art and this piece is their 3rd to grace the walls of their home.

Such is Phillip’s enthusiasm for our tournament AND with it being the 50th next January, Philip has kindly donated two pieces  to auction in 2024.   Below is a teaser…


The amazing Senior Tournament Raffle Table 

Special thanks to Michelle and Elite Physiotherapy for always supplying two huge raffle hampers & other sporting prizes.

Special thanks also Ange from Rebalance Massage (+64 27 245 1687) who always donates two 1 hour Massage vouchers for the raffle and to the many club members who regularly donate to support our raffle.

Special thanks also to Club Coach Hugo who donated a Head racquet to auction, along with a coaching session and ball machine hire.

Below is a colourful array of just one’s day’s raffle stash!

 Celebrating a wonderful Tournament                  

The tournament was organised, as always, by Christine Yap, with an enthusiastic team of helpers: 

Below: Linda & Mark, Trevor & Rosie, Christine, Terry, Bryce & Issy & Michelle

Michelle North-Kelsen with Linda Buss (below) –chief sandwich makers over the two days.  Ably assisted by Premier and Div 1 players who pitched in over the weekend: Adele, Nurina, Linda, Paige, Larissa, Linda, Petra & Issy too!

Rosie and Trevor won the best dressed 😇
Plus, some action photos from the weekend ...








Congrats everyone on a great Summer season. The level of play of our juniors improved across the board and it’s been very enjoyable for our coaching team to see the progress.  Although the interclub season has finished, there are plenty of tennis options through Autumn and Winter! 

Club Champs 
Thank you to everyone who has taken part in Junior Club champs over the last couple weeks. It’s been awesome for us to see so many good games being played at the club.  In most age groups, we haven't quite managed to progress to finals by today, so the competition will go a little longer. I apologise for starting the competition late this year, and the delay putting together the doubles competition. I will be in touch via email with an update on doubles and a day and time in early term 2 for prize giving and a get together. 
Next year the competition will start right after Waitangi, and will conclude with finals and prize-giving combined with seniors. 

Canterbury Junior Open
13 of our junior players have entered this tier 2 event starting this Saturday, which is pleasing to see. We look forward to seeing your progress and good on you for getting involved. 

Junior Holiday Academy
We have space for more players at our junior Holiday Academy over the coming weeks. Check out the info here:
Please email Charlotte to register:

Junior Winter Coaching
We have more floodlit courts this Winter, and we’ll have a busy Winter programme to help our players get ahead for next season.  It’s a comprehensive group coaching programme for all junior ages and stages. Check out the info here:

I am still taking registrations and I’m in the process of forming the groups and times. Please email as soon as you can to get your child involved in Winter Tennis coaching.

See you soon at TKHP 

Junior Interclub 

Congratulations to all Juniors who represented our Club.  TKHP Tennis Club team results for the season were –

1st        2.5 teams    

            Friday Boys 12s D1 (combined with Bishopdale)

            Saturday Girls 12s  D1

            Boys Premier Secondary RED

2nd      4 teams        
             Friday Mixed 10s D1

             Saturday Boys 14s RED D1

            Saturday Girls 14s BLACK D3

            Boys Premier Secondary BLACK

3rd/4th    5 teams

5th-8th    6 teams

And, as a special treat for reading to the end of the newsletter, let me introduce your Committee to you:  Trevor Lau, Sarah Schneideman (Vice President), Charlotte Bryden (Treasurer and Member administrator), Vicky Jones (Secretary), Hugo Strang (Head Coach), Christine Yap (Coach) Beth Williamson (Club Captain), Michelle Kelsen, Mark Stringer, Bryce Thomson (Grounds Manager) and Tim Preston.

We have a lot of projects on the go, and thankfully we get help from other members who are not on the committee.  Our AGM is coming up in a few months, please think about joining us, as a fresh face (and ideas) are always welcome.