
May 2020 Newsletter

Hello to all our members!

Once again a huge thank you for being patient while we work through how to safely open the tennis courts under level 2, following recommendations from Tennis NZ.
While the club will not be running organised sessions just yet, we do encourage you to make the most of the courts and have fun playing with people outside of your bubble.


To be clear the requirements are that any group should not exceed 10 people.
The Pavilion will remain locked and alarmed 24/7, so unfortunately we cannot offer bathroom breaks. However the Gardens' toilets will be open for emergencies.
This also means that playing under lights will not be possible right now, as the lighting switches are inside.
We will continue to provide hand sanitiser on site.

Contact tracing remains an important tool in being able to have our club open. Please respect this by filling in the online form either courtside or when at home.

Similar to the previous two weeks it is important to follow the process, in two parts:

  1. Please book a court on our webpage. If this is the first time you will need to create an account. Book a Court.
  2. Follow this link to the Contact Tracing Form and submit. This is required and managed by Tennis New Zealand.