
Red Ball Kids Tennis League Play 2020

20 minutes doubles followed by two 10 minute singles games (and two 10 minutes of umpiring) 

Participation is free

Doubles play format will be Yankee doubles. Score point a rally for 5 minutes. On the bell the winning pair moves one court to the left and the the partners split and play against each other. Losing pair moves to the right and also split up. Play then resumes. This format is very adaptable for late arrivals and uneven numbers. Four rounds of 5 minutes covers the first 20 minutes of play.

Singles play format will be
• Point a rally scoring
• Play to time - 5 minutes then swap ends and repeat.
• Informal serving
• Parental support is expected (organiser will guide parents)
• Unisex - boys and girls will play together
• Maximum of 16 play each week
• If there are more than 16 players available on any week then some may have a bye, (this is unlikely and won’t happen more than once to any child)
• As the kids progress we will introduce more formal scoring and/or serving rules

Nets, balls and lines are provided

In the event of rain, make your own decisions on the day. If half the kids turn up and willing to play wet we will organise games for them on the spot.

Coordinator is Tim Preston,, 027-6414301. He will email out a roster every Friday to notify venue, what matches are arranged, who should bring a plate for supper (and anyone with a bye - if any).

Parents will need to:
• Notify organiser of childrens name, age, email and phone contact - pref before 7th Feb
• Read an email once a week
• Advise the organiser if their child is unavailable
• Get their kids to the venues with shoes and racket
• Provide a plate for supper every 2nd or 3rd week
• Be on court support to the extent required teaching kids to do their own umpiring and scoring
• Keep the atmosphere fun and chilled out - we want the kids to have good (even) games, drawn matches are fine, and we will not be making noise about winners and losers

Other intentions:
• We will be making noise about good sportsmanship, positive attitudes, most improved and most helpful
• Results will be noted but for the sole purpose of choosing better future matchups
• Preference for entries will be given to members from the host clubs, and then members of other clubs ahead of non-member children up until the third round of play. Once the third round is about to start (Feb 24th) if you are ‘in’ then you will have a place in the league through to Apr 6th.

Note this poster is from 2019 and several details are out of date. Description above is current. Burnside contact is now Stacy.