A significant portion of our funding comes in the form of donations, often from current or ex-members, or people from the broader community. We are so grateful to those who donate to our club, and all funds are efficiently put to good use by our volunteers.
If donating, you are welcome to stay anonymous if you wish, and you are welcome to say what you'd like the funds to go towards. For instance, a few years ago a local family donated a large sum and specified it should be used for children. As a result, we discount every Hot Shots booking by $20 from this fund, as well as provide free training for all Junior members throughout the entire season! This has been happening for over five years now - it's the gift that keeps giving!
You can claim 33.33 cents for every dollar you donate (over $5). For more info on this, please visit IRD's website.
To donate, please contact our Treasurer, Katie Chalmers, on 027 387 1693, or email Or simply send your donation straight to our bank account, which is:
- Name: Taieri Tennis Club Inc
- Bank: BNZ Mosgiel
- Account number: 02 0938 0023991 00
Thank you!