
Book-A-Court is almost here!

The new Book-A-Court system installation is almost completed! When it's 100% finished, this will allow members and non-members alike to book our tennis courts for casual use through our website. Making a booking will issue a PIN code, which can be entered at the court gate to provide access during the booking period.

Tennis NZ has been a major sponsor for this system, covering the majority of the cost of the system along with expertise and advice during the installation. Te Atatu Tennis Club would like to express our thanks and gratitude to Tennis NZ for the amazing support to our community and our club.

In addition, The Trusts Community Foundation provided a recent grant, which has covered almost the entire remaining cost of the Book-A-Court system, enabling us to open up our tennis courts for wider community use. With the support also from Tennis New Zealand, we are delighted to soon see more of our community using our facilities.

We couldn’t have done it without the incredible generosity from these two amazing sponsors. A huge thank you from the tennis club and the whole community.


Here are some photos from the installation: