Family friendly tennis club serving the Te Awamutu area. Te Awamutu Tennis Club

Focus on FUN!!!

The Te Awamutu Tennis Club is located in the Victoria Park Complex next to the Te Awamutu Primary School on Teasdale Street, Te Awamutu. This is now the main club in the Te Awamutu area with most of the small rural clubs having closed.

 We have 3 Astroturf courts with lights and 4 public concrete courts that adjoin the main complex and clubhouse.

 We cater to everyone's tennis abilities from beginners through to experienced players.

 We have a strong junior tennis program with Monday afternoon squads with a coach, from 3.30-7.30 pm. This is divided into 4 x 1 hour sessions based on age and ability, with the young ones starting at 3.30 through to the older kids in the final session. This runs in the 4th term of 2024 and the first term of 2025.

 An adult social night runs on Tuesday from 6pm and is open to all adults wanting a game.

There is a ladies' doubles competitions on  Wednesday nights. Advanced players can play in the Double Cup competition on Tuesday nights.

 We have coaching on Thursday afternoons/evenings to enable anyone to improve their skill levels.

 Tennis Aerobics is back on Friday for those wanting a good workout while hitting some tennis balls.

 We have a senior team that plays Friday night in the Waikato Interclub competition and on Saturday mornings some of our juniors play in the Waikato Interclub competition.

Adult and Family club memberships also enable you access to the courts to play when suits you best.

Our Club is family friendly and can provide fun for the whole summer. Rackets available if you don't have one.


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How to find us

Te Awamutu Tennis Club
263 Teasdale Street
Te Awamutu
Te Awamutu

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Our Partner

Grassroots Trust