
Tier 2 Southern Junior Indoor Open

Welcome to the Southern Junior Indoor Open, the penultimate Tier 2 of the Junior Masters Calendar.

Enter here

Book flights now! (Relatively) cheap flights are currently available to Dunedin (as of 29/3/24)

  • 11/12/16U      Mon 8 - Wed 10 July
  • 10/14U              Tue 9 - Thu 11 July

One age group only - singles and doubles must be same age group.

Age is at 31/12/2024 (exceptions will be granted for graded draws only).

31/12/24 is NOT a day of play - this is added for adminstrative purposes only.

Please pay entry fee of $70 to:
Tennis Otago
ASB 12-3150-0215051-00
Ref: STH Indoor and athlete surname/initials