Tennis Officials

Have a passion for tennis and want to be apart of the sport on a differnt level?

Tennis Officials are the unsung heros and the wizards of the sport.  They make tournaments in your area possible and run smoothly with their knowledge in how tournaments operate with rules and guidelines. 

They have a responsibility to all players to ensure  fair judgement and play on the courts.

They are your eyes during those intense points. 

They are the mediators and peace keepers.

They keep score so that you can focus your energy on the match at hand.  

For all of us who have played matches before where there were questionable lines being called and attitudes needing adjusted...we all have wished that someone was there to help ...I know I have.


Becoming a Tennis Official has a huge range of benefits stemming way beyond merely working within the sport. As well as getting close to the action, it can open a world of opportunities including local and international travel, and allow you to create lifelong friendships.

There are a variety of roles, levels, and pathways, and Tennis NZ can help you find the one which suits you. For more info on the different types of officials, click here.

Please visit the Tennis NZ Officials page for information on: how to become an offical,  courses,  and much much more!

Reach out to us today to express your interest!