
Vogelmorn Tennis Club  
May 2024  
Junior prize giving & final club night 3-May
Senior closing  day - 2023-2024 Season 5-May
Tennis Central Awards 11-May
Tennis Central Club Forum 14-May
Committee Meeting 15-May
June 2024  
Kings Birthday  3-Jun
Date for AGM, resolutions cutoff 11-Jun
Winter interclub (Full time Senior) commences 9-Jun
Committee Meeting 11-Jun
Review financial statements 21-Jun
TC or TNZ Club Hui 25-Jun
July 2024  
Committee meeting 9-Jul
VTC AGM & Senior Prizegiving post AGM 13-Jul
School holidays Term 2  5 Jul - 21 Jul
August 2024  
Ball order for pre-Christmas 1-Aug
Premier & Technifibre Senior Interclub email members 5 Aug
Committee meeting 13-Aug
Working Bee (pre Open Day/Love Tennis 24 Aug
TCR Club Forum 31 Aug
TCR & Wellington Tennis Inc AGM 31 Aug
Sep 2024  
Annual membership renewal - committee reminders to members 1 Sept
Love Tennis & VTC opening day (Junior & Senior.) 8 Sept 
Senior Interclub Registrations close Premier/Technifibre 9 Sept
Committee Meeting 10 Sept
Wednesday club night start 11 Sept
Junior interclub registrations close 15 Sept
Midweek Opening Day 13 Sept
Midweek club day start 9.30 am - 12 noon 20 Sept
Club handicaps 21/22 Sept
Midweek interclub registrations close 26 Sept
Renouf Fundraiser (tentative) Season warmup 27 Sept
Club handicaps 28 Sept
School holidays Term 3 28 Sept - 13 Oct 
Daylight savings starts 29 Sept
Membership subscriptions due 30 Sept
Oct 2024  
Committee Meeting 8 Oct
Junior Friday club day starts 5 pm 11 Oct
Senior interclub start 12 Oct
Junior interclub start 12-13 Oct
Midweek interclub start 14 Oct & 18 Oct
Labour Day (no senior interclub) 28 Oct
Change Gate code, door code and ball cupboard code 31 Oct
Nov 2024  
Insurance renewal 1 Nov
Committee Meeting 12 Nov
Dec 2024  
Ball order post-Christmas 1 Dec
Committee Meeting 10 Dec
Midweek Christmas Function  
Senior Christmas Function 7 Dec
Junior Christmas Function 6 Dec
Renouf Fundraiser (tentative) Christmas bonus 13 Dec
School holidays term 4 21 Dec
Midweek interclub ends  
Senior interclub ends  
Junioir interclub ends 8 Dec
Jan 2025  
Renouf Fundraiser (tentative). Summer kickstarter 17 Jan
Titahi Bay event TBA
Committee meeting Nil
Wellington Anniversary 20 Jan
Wednesday night resume  
Midweek Friday resume  
Working bee 25 Jan
Feb 2025  
Waitangi Day 6 Feb
Committee Meeting 11 Feb
Junior coaching resume  
Junior club night resume  
Midweek interclub resume  
Senior interclub resume 1 Feb
March 2025  
Committee Meeting 11 March
Collect senior and junior trophies 1 Mar
April 2025  
Daylight saving ends 6 April
Committee Meeting 15 April
Renouf Fundraiser (tentative). Season warmdown 25 April
ANZAC Day 25 April
Club Financial Year End 30 April
Senior womens singles and mens doubles  
Senior club champs mixed doubles  
Senior mens singles and womens doubles  
Junior club champs  
May 2025  
Junior closing 2 May
Senior closing 3 May