Season: September 1st 2024 to August 31st 2025

2024/2025 fees due by Oct 31st 2024

Senior: $150.00 
After 1st April 2025: $75.00

Youth (18-25) : $90.00
Visitor:  $5.00

Family memberships are available on request.

Juniors - See Junior Coaching page

A new ball machine is now available for members to improve their game. Access is via a lockbox code. Contact our president Doug Martin or Sarah Hazell for instructions. There will be two instructive ball machine sessions at the start of the season. 


Please copy and paste the following information into an email to join:


☐ Full Member $150 

☐ Youth (18-25yrs) $90

☐ M’ship after 1st April 2025 $75 








☐ I agree to abide by the Club Court Etiquette

☐ I have transferred the fee to Waiheke Tennis Club: 12 3114 0026974 00 ( include your name and the words Subs 2024-25)

Please email the form to our Treasurer -


Club Committee 2024/2025

President - Doug Martin - 021 614 790

Vice President - John Campbell - 027 229 3867

Secretary - Barbara Woods - 027 480 0632

Treasurer - Doug Martin - 021 614 790

Club Captain - Sarah Hazell - 021 273 9998

Junior Coordinator - Emily Kenyon - (see Junior coaching page)

Committee: Kushla Currie, Jim Miller, Brendan McGuire, Tina Semmens


For further information contact: or one of the Committee Members above. 

We will happily answer any questions or meet you at one of the club days for an introduction.