Singles Club Champs 2023

Covid disrupted our singles club champs last year - but we're back on for 2023 baby!

We'll hold it over 2 Sundays (March 19 and April 2) with a rain-off day in between, if needed. Semis and finals to be held on April 2.

Must register in advance - Click here to sign up! Entries close Sunday March 12.

All players will be guaranteed at least 2 matches.

If numbers allow, we'll have both A and B Grades for Men and Women, so please don't let perception of your ability hold you back! We would like to get as many players as possible. If you're S1-6, you should play A Grade, and if you're S8 or below B Grade is for you. S7 can choose which to play. If you don't know, you can find out your grade here:

You're expected to be available on both of these days, reach out if you have questions on this. We will aim to get the draws/start times out no later than the Friday before.

Everyone do your sunny weather dance!! Email for any questions