- Family membership is capped at $490 - Additional conditions may apply if more than 5 family members or everyone is playing Inter club. Please enquire.
- Interesting menu of coaching options included in the membership such as Hot Shots coaching, Junior Coaching, Beginner Adult Tennis, Improver's or Rusty Rackets coaching groups, Inter-club Team coaching, etc. Choose the free session that suits you from the coaching menu (click here) after selecting your membership below. More sessions are user pays.
- Members can play in an interclub team (no extra cost).
- Members can play casually at any time, except during tournament or interclub competition times (no extra cost).
- Members can join in weekly social club days/evenings (no extra cost) including popular Wednesday Twilight Tennis.
- Members can participate in the club's annual club championships (no extra cost).
- A court key is available to adults who are full-year members, with a one-off refundable bond of $30 payable.
Coaching and Interclub Information
**A Manual Registration form is also available from admin@pptc.co.nz** |
Annual membership subscriptions run from 1 September to 31 August.
Part-season memberships are from 1 January to 31 August.
Winter memberships available from 1 May to 31 August.
Plexipave Court Access and Lights are both now included in with our Astro courts, with key bond paid..
Part Season membership available from 1 January 2024
To become a Part-Season member (1 January to 31 August 2024), select that option from our coaching page. Transfer the fees by internet banking to our account and email: admin@pptc.co.nz OR complete a form and post to 49 UpJohn Street, New Plymouth 4310. Your membership comences once entered into our database. All queries to admin@pptc.co.nz.
Optional Plexipave Court Access and Lights is now apart of all Senior membership packages. Lights key is a $30 bond
Not sure if you want to join yet?
Want coaching? Adults can take part in group coaching sessions at $12.50 per session or $95 for a term (non-member rate), $90 for a term (member rate for terms 1-3 ) *Term 4 free coaching with Full Senior Membership.
Want to join in our club days? Pay as you go $10 for our Head Coach's Pukekura Twilight Tennis on Wednesdays (paid direct to the coach - all welcome) or pay $5 (direct to the club) for any of the other club days/evenings/afternoons organised by the club.
Just want a hit? Non-members can use club courts by paying $5 per person per session, or $10 per court per hour for a group. There is no fee for members of other tennis clubs visiting with a Pukekura Park Tennis Club member and playing on the Astroturf (a $5 per person fee applies for the Plexipave).
Non-members are most welcome!
ONLINE REGISTRATION for 2024-2025 season.
Become a member by completing the online registration process below and selecting the package that suits you and your family the best.
*T4 = Term 4 & T1 = Term 1.
Family Package 2024-2025
01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
A package for the whole family no matter your ability to get on the courts this summer and have fun together.
Eligibility: Family members must all live in the same household. 1 adult, 4 children or 2 adults and up to 3 children. Please enquire with admin if your family unit is larger.
Up to 5 members
One Term of Club Coaching ONLY Junior or Hotshots
01/01/2025 - 31/08/2025
Junior or Hotshots only. Term 4, 2024 OR Term 1, 2025
Eligibility: For children turning 4yrs between Jan 1st and Dec 31st at time of registration, up until turning Age 12 between Jan 1st and Dec 31st.
Part Season Casual Court User 2025
01/01/2025 - 31/08/2025
You can add a key bond to this purchase for freedom to come and go as you please from the courts for the duration of your annual membership. You renew your membership each year in September. See add on packages for adding a key bond.
Eligibility: Only Adults aged 18 and over are entitled to purchase a key. You must be 18yrs old or older when you purchase this package. Club days and coaching are not included but can be purchased throughout the year at member pricing.
Part Season Hot Shots + Interclub 2025
01/01/2025 - 31/08/2025
Friday night tournaments against other clubs around New Plymouth + options for tournament play throughout Taranaki. Includes all affiliation fees + Term 4 and 1 coaching packages, Club champs and Club days.
Eligibility: 18yrs and under. Must be able to serve a ball over the net to play interclub. Please enquire with admin@pptc.co.nz if you have questions regarding your child participating, if they haven't played competition Tennis before.
Part Season Hot Shots Coaching 13-18yrs 2025
01/01/2025 - 31/08/2025
Children are placed into hot shots coaching dependent on both age and skill levels. Please select and add on a Term 4 & Term 1 coaching Package which are free with this Annual package. Club days and Club Champs included
Eligibility: Youth 13yrs to 18yrs old. Will turn 13 yrs old up to 18 yrs old between Jan 1st and Dec 31st at time of sign up. Young adults turning 19 between Jan 1st and Dec 31st are Tertiary Student or Adult Memberships.
Part Season Hot Shots Coaching 4-12yrs 2025
01/01/2025 - 31/08/2025
Children are placed into hot shots coaching dependent on both age and skill levels. Please select and add on a Term 4 and Term 1 coaching Package which are free with this Annual package. Club days and Club Champs included.
Eligibility: For children turning 4yrs between Jan 1st and Dec 31st at time of registration, up until turning Age 12 between Jan 1st and Dec 31st.
Part Season Midweek Interclub 2025
01/01/2025 - 31/08/2025
Includes Monday Interclub, Friday social club morning and all Interclub fees/TTA/TNZ. No coaching in package price included, but you are welcome to add a coaching package from the coaching page menu as an extra cost.
Eligibility: Adults over 18years old that can commit to Mondays all year for Interclub and willing to travel locally. The team likes to get together for training on Friday mornings.
Part Season Midweek Social Only 2025
01/01/2025 - 31/08/2025
Play during school hours Monday to Friday only. If you wish to move into the midweek Interclub competition during the season you can also do so if space is available at no extra cost. Friday 9.30am Social Tennis included.
Eligibility: Adult members wanting Monday to Friday play only in school hours. You can add on a key (for an extra cost) to access courts at other times during the specified package timeframe. See 'Add on menu' to add a key and one off Bond payment.
Part Season Senior (No-Interclub) 2025
01/01/2025 - 31/08/2025
Senior Membership without Interclub gives you access to all club days, Club Champs and Twilight Tennis. Coaching is extra with member discounts.
Eligibility: All seniors aged 19yrs and above. You are considered a senior member if your 19th birthday falls between Jan 1st and Dec 31st at the start of the season (Sept 1st).
Part Season Senior Interclub 2025
01/01/2025 - 31/08/2025
Senior Membership includes interclub, all TTA/TNZ affiliation fees. All club days also included and Club champs. Coaching is an extra with Member discounts terms 1-3. Term 4 up to 8 free coaching sessions. Choose 1 from Coaching Menu.
Eligibility: All adults aged 19 years and above. You will turn 19 yrs old between Jan 1st and Dec 31st of the year you take up membership. Please enquire with admin@pptc.co.nz if you haven't played interclub before and would like to join a team this season.
Part Season Tertiary Student/Dependent adult
01/01/2025 - 31/08/2025
Young adults still living at home or students that can only play at certain times of the year around study commitments. Ability to play Interclub fully included. Please enquire with admin@pptc.co.nz for Interclub option.
Eligibility: Aged 18years to 22yrs with birthday falling between Jan 1st and December 31st at time of registration. Young adults still living at home and dependent on their parents. Students in study: ID or confirmation papers required.