Competition Rules 2023/2024

Malvern Junior Tennis - Competition Rules-2023/24

1. Introduction

These rules are designed to help guide young people play enjoyable competitive tennis in Malvern. Sometimes situations will occur not covered by these rules. Please use common sense and talk issues through with your opposing team.
Competition Rules can be modified at the AGM of the Malvern Junior Tennis Sub Association (MJTSA) in August each year. All clubs are equally represented on the MJTSA. The MJTSA shall decide at their AGM the start & end dates and the format of the competition. Any matter arising during the season not provided for in these rules, may be dealt with by the MJTSA Coordinator and/or the MJTSA Committee.

They may call on other relevant representatives as they see fit. Their decision shall be final. If you wish to bring an incident before the MJTSA Committee, this must be done in writing, within 72 hours of the incident occurring.
General Rules

These rules are supplementary to those of Tennis New Zealand, to whom everyone playing tennis in Malvern is affiliated. Players should at all times conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner, abide by the rules of tennis and give due regard to other players and spectators. To clarify any issues not covered by these rules please contact the MJTSA Coordinator.

2. Tennis Rules & Etiquette

  • Tennis practices a code of ‘self-umpiring’ so you will need to learn how to make line calls and how to score
  • When you are serving always call the score loudly and clearly before you serve each point
  • When changing ends always ensure you agree on the game score
  • ‘Let’ – if a serve touches the net and goes in call ‘Let’ and then the serve is replayed
  • ‘Let’ can be also be used for instance when a stray ball rolls onto the court – however ‘let’ must be called immediately – not after the conclusion of the point. Other reasons for calling ‘let’ may include when a player from an adjacent court runs onto your court – for any of these instances replay the point using 2 serves
  • If any part of the ball touches the line the ball is ‘in’. If you cannot tell whether the ball is ‘out’ then the ball is ‘in’.
  • In doubles either player can call whether ball is ‘in’ or ‘out’ – however if the partners disagree then the ball is ‘in’ !
  • The player on the side of the net where the ball bounces is the player who makes the call – A player cannot make a call on their opponents side of the court
  • Do not walk on or behind a court whilst the players are playing a point – wait until play stops !

3. Parents – PLEASE Remember

  • These are kids
  • This is a game
  • The umpiring is done by the players so please try to leave them to it – you are there to help them learn how to self-umpire
  • Encouragement only please !
  • Please do not make calls for the children – ask them if the ball was in or out – always remembering the ‘golden’ rule - if unsure then the ball is ‘in’.
  • If you are not sure of the scoring system please find someone who can help
  • If you are required to assist please ensure there is a maximum of 2 parents to each court – and to stay up close to the net post and again do not make calls for the children – ask them
  • Encourage the children to shout out the scores at each point and the game score at the end of each game
  • Do not go on to the court and please keep quiet – try to allow the kids to concentrate
  • Do not sit next to the court if you can help it – sit outside the netting if possible …
  • Please encourage the kids !

4. Junior Tennis Interclub Competition

a) Playing dates
Competition matches must be played on dates set down by the MJTSA or within 7 days by mutual agreement of the Team Captains

b) The Draw
The Draw will be drawn up and emailed to all Club Junior Organisers and will also be uploaded onto the Malvern Tennis Website -

c) Self-Umpiring
Please see preceding section – Tennis Rules & Etiquette

d) Grades / Divisions
The competition is divided into 4 divisions, from 1 to 4. MJTSA has the right to re-grade teams as deemed necessary

e) Score Sheets / Results

  • Official score sheets will be Emailed out to all Clubs and will also be uploaded onto the Malvern Tennis Website -
  • Results must be recorded on score sheets, correctly and completely filled in with first and surnames of each player, date, Division number and team names. Captains to complete sheet in order of play. Please ensure results are legible!
  • Winning team is responsible for reporting the match result to the Results Coordinator by Sunday evening following the match. Results may be emailed / text as long as all relevant information is contained eg ALL individual matches as well as info for defaults or rained off matches
  • If no result is received by Sunday Night both teams will be given 4 points each

f) Location of Matches
Games will be played at West Melton, Weedons, Kirwee, Courtenay, Darfield, Hororata, Sheffield, View Hill and potentially Springfield and dependent on court availability as well as team numbers some matches may be played at Darfield High School.

g) Play

  • All matches start at 9am
  • Div 1 & 2 Best of 3 short sets – sets played up to 4 games with a tie break at 4 ALL. Match tie break to SEVEN points if a 3rd set is required
  • Div 3 – sets played up to 6 games with a tie break at 6 ALL
  • Div 4 – sets played up to 6 games, the winner is the first to 6, can win 6 – 5
  • Players must be ranked on ability eg top player plays Number One
  • Doubles to be played first unless agreed by the 2 captains
  • Doubles – Number One must play top doubles otherwise any combination can be used eg 1 & 3 and 2 & 4 etc
  • Div 4 – may bounce the ball to serve, but must stand in the correct position to serve

g) Late Start

  • Teams must be ready to play at 9am
  • Teams not ready to play at 9.15am will default 2 sets – subject to appeal to MJTSA
  • Teams not ready at 9.30am shall lose the match, subject to appeal to MJTSA

i) Competition Points

  • Total of 8 points are available - ONE point is received for each individual match ( ie 6 points available ) and the overall winning team receives TWO bonus points.
  • Where matches are drawn 3 all a ‘countback’ occurs:

In Div 1 & 2 the winner is the team that won the highest number of sets ( and if still equal then the highest number of games )
In Div 3 & 4 the winner is the team who has won the most number of games

  • If rained out both teams receive 4 points each
  • Default – the team defaulted to receive 6 points, the defaulting team receive 0 points
  • In the event of a ‘bye’ the team will receive 4 points
  • If no result received by Sunday Night both teams will be given 4 points each

j) Cancellation (Wet Weather)
A decision on cancellation will be made by 8am Saturday morning to give time for players to be notified. If there is doubt tennis will proceed and individual teams need to make decisions on play at the venue.
If less than 60% of the matches in the round are completed, the round is abandoned and no scores count. If 60% or matches are completed the round stands – Individual teams can decide on two options: Any unfinished matches can be completed within 10 days at a time agreed by the captains, or the unfinished sets to be split
equally to obtain a final score ( eg if score is 3 to 1 when play ended each team receive one set and final score is 4 – 2 )

If you have to default please advise the opposing Club by noon on Friday. Still fill in score sheet with default team names and date and send in to coordinator. Teams can offer the opposing team a player if they have a gap.

l) Balls
•Both teams to supply 1 pair of balls, Balls do not have to be new but must be in good playing condition
•Div 4 must use Green dot tennis balls (low compression)

m) Transfers
All transfers to be approved and minuted at a delegates meeting. Each case is considered on an individual basis.

n) Replacement Players
A player may be replaced from another team in the same or lower positon in the team, or from a lower grade. In any circumstances players can play by agreement of the captains, if in doubt please discuss with opposing team captain

o) Injuries
When a set is defaulted at the start or part way through, the team defaulted to receive the full number of games for that set ( or full sets if Div 1 & 2 ). The defaulting team receives the games/sets they had won at the time play ended or NIL if defaulted at the start.

p) Junior Age Limits
All Juniors 18 and under as at 31 December in the season they are playing in are eligible to play in the Junior Competition


How to Play Tie-Breaks
• The winner of a tie-break is the player who is the first to seven points with a margin of two points – eg 7-6 does not win but 8 – 6 does !
• The player due to serve next serves the first point into their opponent's deuce court.
• After the first serve, the serve goes over to the other player, who then serves the next two points, serving first into the advantage court and then into the deuce court.
• After the third point, the players alternate, serving two points each — always beginning on the advantage court.
• After the first six points are played, no matter what the score is, the players change ends (and continue to do so after every six-points ) until one player wins. Please remember this is just change of ends – no breaks !

A Simplified Diagram - will be added to show how to Play A Tie-Break-