How to find us
Karori United Tennis Club
16 Campbell St
Karori United Tennis Club, located at 16 Campbell St. Karori, 6012, is one of Wellington's largest and most vibrant tennis clubs, with more than 260 senior, midweek and junior members, regularly socialising and competing on our three modern synpave courts, which we can floodlight for evening play. We're a great choice for those just seeking to have fun through to club sessions and interclub competition, and we have engaged a coaching academy that provides excellent coaches available to service your needs.
For general information about the club, download our KUTC brochure 2023.
For information on our fees and membership categories refer to the Membership tab on this website. Membership runs from 1 September each year to 31 August of the next year. However, if you are intending to come along to one of our club sessions as a trial, our normal sessions are as follows:
Seniors: Saturday afternoons from 1330 to 1730 hours; Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 1930 to 2200 hours.
Midweek: Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 0900 (summer) 0930 (winter) to 1200 hours.
Juniors: Friday evenings (in school terms 1 and 4) from 1730 to 1900 hours.
Refer to our Facebook and Instagram pages for reports and upcoming club events: ;
Website Quick Links
Click here to find out about our Membership Options
Members Click here to Book a Court
External Links
Tennis Newsletter/Facebook Sign-up Links
Sponsors and Supporters
Lists of our sponsors and supporters are provided under the Sponsors tab on this website
Important Club Documents
Membership Terms and Conditions, the club's constitution, and the club's Performance Report for the financial year ending 31 May are available on the Club Documents page of this website.