
Why join Karori United Tennis Club?

KUTC caters for the whole community at all levels:

  • Senior, Midweek, Junior (12 - 18 years of age) and Little Ace (below 12 years of age)
  • Beginner, Social and Competitive
  • Senior, Midweek and Junior interclub teams catering for all levels and abilities
  • Regular club day sessions and social events
  • Three synpave (plexipave) hard courts, regularly cleaned and resurfaced
  • The provision of court floodlighting is included in the membership with play available until 10pm each night.

Annual Subscriptions and Interclub Fees for 2024/25 Year (1 Sept 2024 - 31 Aug 2025)

Annual Subscriptions  (GST inclusive)

  • Family (A) $545 (Senior + two juniors)
  • Family (Capped) $600 maximum (any combination of family members living at the same address)
  • Midweek (weekdays before 3.15pm) $220
  • Senior (19 and over on 1st October) $300
  • Tertiary Student (19 +  ID required) $160
  • Junior (aged 12 – 18 on 1st October 2024) $135
  • Little Aces (Under 12 on 1st October 2024) $85   

Note that early payers (before 1 October) of the above subscriptions (other the Little Ace subscription) are entitled to claim a 5% discount.    See 2024/25 membership packages below .  

Interclub Fees: Payable for each team you play in.

  • Senior $90
  • Midweek $65
  • Junior $45

Membership Applications

You should note that, by applying for a membership package (see below), you will be deemed to consent to your, or a minor for whom you are responsible as a parent or guardian, becoming a member of the Karori United Tennis Club Inc., which is a registered incorporated society.    As such, any member is bound by the provisions of the Club's Constitution and any regulations that its Executive Committee may make under those provisions.   

Also be advised that your application  to become a new member will be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, which will consider, if practicable, each application at the Committee's meeting following the receipt of the application.  The Committee may approve or reject the application on reasonable grounds as it sees fit.   If the application is rejected, the Committee will refund any payment made with the application. 

Membership Packages  

The club offers a range of membership packages (set out below) that members may select and pay for using the buttons below.  

Note that there is no membership package offered for Senior + Midweek.    If you are a senior you will be welcome at any Midweek session or event at no extra charge.    If, in addition to being a senior, you wish to play at Midweek sessions and/or play Midweek interclub, apply for the Senior package plus the add-on fees (including Midweek interclub fees) that are appropriate to you.  Then advise the Membership Secretary at so your name on the Contacts list is tagged Midweek as well as Senior for the purpose of communications.      

Interclub Fees

Just select the fee or fees applicable to you or to your family members  who are playing interclub and it will be automatically added to the amount owing for the package.     

Note that if you need to pay for an interclub fee separately after applying and paying for a membership package, it is not possible to pay it  by reapplying for a membership package.    Use the "Interclub fee only" package, which has a subscription charge of $0.00, to which you may add the relevant interclub fee or fees.     

Alternatively, pay the interclub fee(s) by making the appropriate bank transfer to Karori United Tennis Club's account 12-3140-0178795-00, with the member’s surname as the Code and first name as the Reference.  That will let us reconcile the interclub fee payment with the member.   

Court and Clubhouse Access

Note that our courts at 16 Campbell St are locked when no-one is at the club and access to them is restricted to members only.  Members may obtain a key to give them access to the courts and the clubhouse by paying the club a refundable deposit of $10  (contribution to  key cutting costs) and arranging delivery of the key from Sharon Cottrell  


If you are unsure of what to do or would like to ask any questions regarding the above information, please contact the Membership Secretary at      


  • Annual subscriptions run from 1 September of any calendar year to 31 August of the year following (the membership year).   Reduced subscriptions run from 1 February to 31 August of any year.   
  • All subscriptions include affiliation fees for Tennis Central Region and Tennis NZ plus a Wellington Renouf Tennis Centre Infrastructure levy also payable to Tennis Central Region
  • To be eligible to participate in interclub you must be a financial member of the club for the current membership year.  There is an interclub fee to play for each team of which you are a member; this is a contribution to the costs of team entry fees and the provision of the balls for interclub tie matches.
  • All persons receiving coaching from the coaching provider on the club's courts must be financial members of the club for the current membership year. 

Membership Terms and Conditions 

The Club's Executive Committee has issued Terms and Conditions of Membership that must be observed and obeyed by members of the Club.     These Terms and Conditions  may be found here.   


Family (A) 2024/2025 (Half year)

01/02/2025 - 31/08/2025

Application for Family membership - 8 months. Lodging the application will be taken as providing your consent for your family to become members of KUTC and be bound by its Constitution and any club regulations.

Eligibility: Three members in family composed of one senior member and two juniors. Court use is as for each individual membership.

Join now

Family (A) 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

Application for Family membership - 12 months. Lodging the application will be taken as providing your consent for your family to become members of KUTC and be bound by its Constitution and any club regulations.

Eligibility: Three members in family composed of one senior member and two juniors. Court use is as for each individual membership.

Join now

Family (Capped) 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

Application for Family membership - 12 months. Lodging the application will be taken as providing your consent for your family to become members of KUTC and be bound by its Constitution and any club regulations.

Eligibility: Any mix of family members living at the same address with total subscriptions $600 or more. Court use is as for each individual membership.

Join now

Family (Capped) 2024/25 (Half-year)

01/02/2025 - 31/08/2025

Application for Family membership - 8 months. Lodging the application will be taken as providing your consent for your family to become members of KUTC and be bound by its Constitution and any club regulations.

Eligibility: Any mix of family members living at the same address with total subscriptions $600 or more. Court use is as for each individual membership.

Join now

Interclub Fee only 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

Interclub fee for 12 months

Eligibility: This package permits any member to order and pay for an appropriate add-on interclub fee without incurring a further subscription charge.

Join now

Interclub Fee only 2024/25 (Half year)

01/02/2025 - 31/08/2025

Interclub fee for half year

Eligibility: This package permits any member to order and pay for an appropriate add-on interclub fee without incurring a further subscription charge.

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Junior 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

Application for Junior membership - 12 months. Lodging the application will be taken as providing your consent for your child becoming a member of KUTC and being bound by its Constitution and any club regulations.

Eligibility: 12 to under 18 years. Use of courts is as for a senior member.

Join now

Junior 2024/25 (Half-year)

01/02/2025 - 31/08/2025

Application for Junior membership - 8 months. Lodging the application will be taken as providing your consent for your child becoming a member of KUTC and being bound by its Constitution and any club regulations.

Eligibility: 12 - 18 years. Court eligibility is as for a senior member.

Join now

Little Ace 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

Application for Little Ace membership - 12 months. Lodging the application will be taken as providing your consent to your child becoming a member of KUTC and being bound by its Constitution and any club regulations.

Eligibility: Under 12. If playing interclub, also pay the Junior interclub fee. Use of courts is as for a senior member but court bookings must be made by a parent.

Join now

Little Ace 2024/25 (Half year)

01/02/2025 - 31/08/2025

Application for Little Ace membership - 8 months. Lodging the application will be taken as providing your consent to your child becoming a member of KUTC and being bound by its Constitution and any club regulations.

Eligibility: Under 12. If playing interclub, also pay the Junior interclub fee. Use of courts is as for a senior member, but court bookings must be made by a parent.

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Midweek 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

Application for Midweek membership - 12 months. Lodging the application will be taken as providing your consent to become a member of KUTC and be bound by its Constitution and any club regulations.

Eligibility: On any weekday, subject to booking limitations, may play on a court not reserved for club or interclub events or booked prior by another member.

Join now

Midweek 2024/25 (Half-year)

01/02/2025 - 31/08/2025

Application for Midweek membership - 8 months. Lodging the application will be taken as providing your consent to become a member of KUTC and be bound by its Constitution and any club regulations.

Eligibility: On any weekday, subject to booking limitations, may play on a court not reserved for club or interclub events or booked prior by another member.

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Senior 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

Application for Senior membership - 12 months. Lodging the application will be taken as providing your consent to become a member of KUTC and be bound by its Constitution and any club regulations.

Eligibility: On any day of the week, subject to booking limitations, may play on a court that is not reserved for club or interclub events or booked prior by another member.

Join now

Senior 2024/25 (Half year)

01/02/2025 - 31/08/2025

Application for Senior membership - 12 months. Lodging the application will be taken as providing your consent to become a member of KUTC and be bound by its Constitution and any club regulations.

Eligibility: On any day of the week, subject to booking limitations, may play on a court that is not reserved for club or interclub events or booked prior by another member.

Join now

Student 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

Application for Student membership - 12 months. Lodging the application will be taken as providing your consent to become a member of KUTC and be bound by its Constitution and any club regulations.

Eligibility: Adult under 25 studying for a tertiary qualification. Use of courts is as for a senior member.

Join now

Student 2024/25 (Half-year)

01/02/2025 - 31/08/2025

Application for Student membership - 8 months. Lodging the application will be taken as providing your consent to become a member of KUTC and be bound by its Constitution and any club regulations.

Eligibility: Adult under 25 studying for a tertiary qualification. Use of courts is as for a senior member.

Join now