
Special Offer

New Senior Members get a discounted fee of $199 and $125 for Juniors. This gives you an opportunity to join in and try out the sport and the club for a period of one year. 

Our membership year runs from August to July and is pro-rated across the year which our online membership system Frello will calculate.

Membership Fees 2024/25

Membership Type Fee $NZD
Junior Social 125
Junior Interclub 220
Senior Social 290
Senior Interclub 345
Mid-Week Social 210
Adult Student/Beneficiary 245
Gold Cardholder 245
Second Club Member* 99

*If you are a full financial member of another Tennis Club or the Shepherds Park Squash Club, please email and we will set you up separately and invite you to join.

To join us

Click on the link to our online membership system Frello, create an account and follow the instructions.  Link:

Make payment to:

Account number: 01-0113-0062996-00

When paying, please clearly identify the member(s) whose fees are being paid.

If you encounter any difficulties, please email us at