
Seniors (all year)

We welcome new members along to our club days.  Come along for the first two times at no charge and decide if you would like to join our friendly little club.  Our club days are:

  • Wednesdays from 9:30am - noon (Social matches)
  • Wednesdays from 7pm
  • Sundays from 3pm


Junior membership includes a key to access the courts and use of the club court booking system. Payment for junior membership is paid directly to the club (see above for payment options).

Junior Coaching is run by our Head Coach Daniel Millward.  All juniors (members or non-members) can sign up for coaching (see coaching section of this website for more details). Payment for coaching is made directly to Head Coach Daniel.  Junior members are entitled to a discount for group coaching.


If you would like to join please look at the membership options below.  Have a chat with one of our committee members or email us at if you need any more information. Please note that our season runs from start of September to end of August. 

Fees for the coming season are shown below.

Payment can be made by Credit Card (online) or Bank Transfer to 01-0113-0048537-00 (to save the club the credit card fee)