

Junior and Senior Coaching at the Bishopdale TC


Juniors start off participating in Hotshots coaching until they can serve full court and hold a very brief rally of 1-2 shots. At this point they usually get selected to participate in a team where they play singles and doubles in a team of 4-5 players in the Tennis Canterbury Junior interclub competition.

Juniors Summer terms

Junior Interclub team coaching days and times- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday .

Times are- 4-5pm, 5-6pm  and 6-7pm except for Tuesdays where coaching is finished by 6pm to allow space for Senior tennis at 6pm.

Hotshots has 3 main stages

Red ball- Play across the court and 25% compression ball that's slightly bigger

Orange ball- Play on 3/4 court and 50% compression ball

Green ball - Full court  and 75% compression ball (play interclub)

For a comprehensive look at Hotshots click here

Days and times at Bishopdale TC

Hotshots/Red ball (4-7 years)- Saturday morning either 8.30-9 am or 9-9.30 am. You can choose! Here is a small clip on  how Redball Hotshots looks. Small courts with bigger balls, and less air in them to bounce at a good height for 4-7 year olds.  These balls have 25% of the compression of an adult yellow ball. Demo on the link below of how redball is set up.

Hotshots Orange ball (Non interclub 8, 9 ,10 and 11 years old )- You choose Friday  4-4.45pm or  Saturday 9.30-10.15 am.  Play on a 3/4 court with Orange balls. These balls are the same size as a normal ball but on 75% compression. Demo below of court size mainly as these two players are very strong for Orange ball.



Junior development training- We select a small group of players that are motivated and keen to play a bit more than the average child. They often play tournaments around Christchurch and sometimes travel to other tournaments around the South Island with the Club coach. This group trains on a Tuesday after school in the summer months from 3.30-5.30 pm and Tuesday and Thursday in the winter months.

Private lessons- We run these on request. Phone Gareth on 0274730616


Senior coaching

We run coaching for adult members and non-members.

Interclub playing adults have training funded by the Club each Wednesday in the Summer terms 7-8pm.

Xpress lessons (all year roundare for members and non-members. Its purpose is to get adults to a level where they are comfortable to join in the Club social tennis but many love the sessions so stay on even as intermediate to advanced players.  These social sessions could include social doubles on a Saturday afternoon 1.30-4 pm and Tuesday evenings  6-7.30 pm. These Xpress sessions  are  popular and heaps of fun while learning the basics of tennis. These lessons work out to be around $15-$18 per hour (depending on membership status)for a group session but invoiced by the term. We open the bar up for a drink after also for those who are keen.

Private lessons- We run these on request. Call or text Gareth on 0274730616