
Our membership renews on 1 September 2024 and ends on 31 August 2025. Head to 'Membership Info' to get more information on what membership type suits you best, or email us:






Casual Court 2024/25 (6 months)

01/09/2024 - 28/02/2025

Includes our gate code for 6 months from purchase.

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Hotshots (1/2 season) 24/25

01/02/2025 - 30/09/2025

For players wanting to join our Hotshots coaching in TERM 1 2025.

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Hotshots (4-8yrs) 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

This membership includes a 45 min coaching session each week for a total of 18 over the season, as well as court access throughout the week.

Eligibility: Aged 4-8yrs of 31 Dec 2024.

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Hotshots (9+ yrs) 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

This membership includes a 45 min coaching session each week for a total of 18 over the season, as well as court access throughout the week.

Eligibility: Aged 9+ as of 31 Dec 2024.

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Junior Interclub 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

Includes 1 hour of coaching per week (16 per season) and participation in the Tennis Canterbury Junior Interclub competition. Court access throughout the week.

Eligibility: Any junior aged 16 or below who plays in a junior interclub team.

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Junior Interclub Plus 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

Includes 2 hours of coaching per week (16 per season) and participation in the Tennis Canterbury Junior & Senior Interclub competition. Includes court access.

Eligibility: A Junior competing for a junior interclub team who also wants to play senior interclub.

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Senior (18-25yrs) 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

Includes 1 hour of coaching per week (16 per season) and participation in the Tennis Canterbury Senior Interclub competition.

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Senior Interclub 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

Includes 1 hour of coaching per week (16 per season) and participation in the Tennis Canterbury Senior Interclub competition.

Eligibility: Senior player aged 26+

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Senior Social 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

Join our social tennis each Tuesday morning and Saturday afternoon all year round!

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Senior Social 65+ 2024/25

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025

Join our social tennis on Tuesday morning and Saturday afternoon all year round!

Eligibility: 65+ as of 31 Dec 2024

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