


The club's Midweek section held its 2023 AGM and Prizegiving on the morning of Thursday 18 May.    Attendance was lower than usual, although making a quorum for the AGM, as were the entries in the fun tournament for the Dickson Cup.     It was good to see Janice Campbell attending as a welcome guest for the AGM and Prizegiving.    

The rain held off and it was possible to play the "pot luck" matches, resulting from random draws for partners and opponents.   The objective is to accumulate as many (table tennis scoring) points in three 15 minute matches, the winner being the player with the most points.   On the day, the winner was Paula Baynes who was duly presented with the Dickson Cup to hold until next year.

A raffle of donated items was held and was won by Barbara Wilson.   

Julie Kyles as the Midweek committee's secretary, reported on the section's 2022-23 year's activities, after which Pip Groom was re-elected as Midweek Captain and the members of the current committee, Pip Groom, Gay Monk, Julie Kyle, Lesley Cicone, Sharon Cottrell, and Peter Browne were re-elected, with the welcomed addition of Debz Bognar, who had resigned during the season due to injury.    Debz is now recovered and  keen to resume playing.

Pip Groom then presented the tournament trophies won over the 2022-23 season (see separate reports on these tournaments) with prizes sourced from local suppliers presented to winners and runners-up.    Pip then anounced the winners of the Most Improved Player, being Jean Kelly, and the Most Improved Interclub Player, being Miett Fear.   

The presentations were followed by a hearty luncheon of the contents of plates brought along by members with much chat among members and several photos being kindly taken by Helen Wong. 

Despite the AGM and Prizegiving being the officlal close of the 2022-23 season, the Midweek section will continue to play on Tuesday and Thursday mornings as the weather permits over the winter months, with play starting at 0930 hours to give more time for the courts to dry off night dew.