

2023 Midweek RoseBowl Tournament

The Midweek section held its 2023 RoseBowl Tournament on its scheduled day of Tuesday 7 March in sunny weather will little to no wind, perfect conditions for tennis.   Nine pairs competed in the tournament, each having been assigned a positive, zero or negative handicap to apply in each match.   The initial objective in this tournament is to win each of three matches of first to 31, using table tennis scoring.   

After three matches had been played by every team, three pairs, Royston Skucek with Mette Kieler, Richard Yuschik with Susie Tocker and Shuvranil Goswami with Marie Laing had three wins.   However, Shuvranil had an injury and was unable to participate further in play-offs so Royston and Mette played Richard and Susie in the RoseBowl final.  Because each of the teams were on a -5 handicap, they decided to adjust the winning score to 36.   The resulting match was close throughout and, in the end, was won by the tightest margin of 36-35 by Royston and Mette.    

The Murgatroyd Plate is contested for by those pairs having won 2 out of their 3 initial matches.    However, there was only one pair with that record, being Sharon Cottrell and Jean Kelly, who thereby won the Plate.   

The fine weather contributed to another verysuccessful tournament.