Our Coaches

Troy Leamy, Coaching Director

Troy is an International Tennis Federation (ITF) Level 1 qualified coach, Coaching Development Manager, and director of One Community Tennis. He has been coaching for more than 17 years.

Richard Xu, Coach

Richard is a highly skilled and experienced tennis player. He has 12+ years of competitive tennis (specialising in Doubles Tennis) and has benefited from many years of elite coaching both in New Zealand and China. Richard has completed the Tennis NZ Coaching Assistant Course and will soon be starting work to become an International Tennis Federation (ITF) Level 1 qualified coach.

Tash Owen-Smith, Coach

Tash has been playing tennis for 10+ years socially and competitively. She has been coaching for 5+ years and in this time has been focusing on building the fundamental skills and techniques of children and adult tennis players of many different abilities! Tash has completed the Tennis NZ Coaching Assistant Course and will soon be starting work to become an International Tennis Federation (ITF) Level 1 qualified coach.