Hot Shots

Hot Shots lessons are designed for children of all abilities & those new to the game aged 5 years or older. Hot Shots is played over lower nets, across the court using small racquets and special balls.
Emphasis is on ball skills/rally situations & learning to serve overarm.
Junior coaches run the sessions. Our Junior Coaches are all very experienced tennis players who play Open Grade or A Reserve Interclub and play representative tennis for Mid Canterbury.
All equipment is supplied. Please ensure your child has suitable footwear, and bring a sunhat & drink bottle.
Lessons are held at the Braided Rivers Community Trust Ashburton Tennis Centre, Oak Grove, Ashburton.
There is a Hot Shots noticeboard in the pavilion with information on Hot Shots, coaches & Hot Shots player of the week. You are all encouraged to check this out regularly.
Registration Information for Term 1 2025
Lessons start the week of Monday 3rd February 2025 & are for six weeks. The fees quoted below are for all six lessons. Any rained off sessions will be made up at the end of the six week block. Refunds or credits are not issued for any sessions not attended.
We are offering three skill level options for Hot Shots coaching. Prices below are for six lessons.
Hitting Squads for Orange & Green groups
Hot Shots Hitting Squad is designed and run to put practice into play. This 45 minute group helps our Orange & Green Group players fast track their skills towards playing interclub and proper matches. This means putting practice from the mid week sessions into meaningful real game situations.
Hitting Squad places emphasis on serving, scoring and learning basic hitting patterns, all of which are important when playing competitive matches.
All Orange & Green group players will benefit from the Hitting Squad & gives players the best opportunity at success once they begin playing interclub.
We encourage players who are looking to take their tennis to the next level of their young careers to register for Hot Shots Hitting as well as their regular Hot Shots tennis lesson.
The fee to attend is an additional $35 per player for all six sessions.
Details of each group are listed below (please note the discounts are only available per person NOT per family);
Red Group - Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 3.30 pm & 4.15 pm (45 mins)
For players 5 - 8 yrs of age, the focus of these lessons is on developing fundamental motor skills and hand eye co-ordination through fun games & ball/racquet exercises.
Option 1: 1 lesson per week - $70.00
Option 2: 2 lessons per week - $130.00 (save $10)
Option 3: 3 lessons per week - $180 (save $30)
Orange Group - Monday & Wednesday at 3.30 pm & 4.15 pm (45 mins)
Structured for graduates of the Red Group & other 8 - 10 yr olds new to tennis, these lessons introduce players to basic stroke technique & ball/racquet control through target hitting, drills & fun games.
Option 1: 1 lesson per week - $70.00
Option 2: 2 lessons per week - $130.00 (save $10)
Green Group - Monday & Wednesday at 5.00 pm (1 hr)
For players ten years or older who would like to play interclub tennis this season, the focus is on all aspects of tennis including footwork, basic tactics & point play.
Option 1: 1 lesson per week - $85.00
Option 2: 2 lessons per week - $160.00 (save $10)
Hitting Squad - Friday 5.00 pm (45 mins)
This groups helps our Orange & Green group players fast track their skills towards playing Interclub tennis, putting into practice what they have learnt mid week. The emphasis is on serving, scoring and learning basic hitting patterns, all of which are important when playing competitive matches.
Friday 5.00 pm - $35 per player [in addition to Orange or Green Group fee]
How to register [click here to register online]
Registration is essential as there are limited spaces available. Gate entry is included in the registration fee. No refunds are issued for lessons not attended.
Please click the link above to register online. Payment must be made at time of registration to Mid Canterbury Tennis bank a/c 03-1351-0448178-00 Please use Surname & Hot Shots as reference. Once both the completed registration form & payment have been received a confirmation email will be sent.
Please note: You are not registered if you have not received a confirmation email.
Refund Policy: No refunds will be issued for any sessions not attended.