Code of Conduct and Constitution

Code of Conduct 

Fair Play Statement "It is the policy of Newlands-Paparangi Tennis Club Inc to ensure that all participants, volunteers, coaches and parents promote fair play at all times. Players are encouraged to be ‘good sports’ and to co-operate with and respect their team mates, coaches and officials at all times.  The aim is for all players to enjoy the game, improve their skills and have FUN".

All members are asked to abide by the following rules at all times:

  • Members must not share access codes to the tennis courts or clubhouse with any other person. Failure to adhere to this may result in cancellation of membership.
  • When using the courts, members may bring friends and family to play casually, however members must be present at all times.
  • The clubhouse and courts must be securely locked when leaving the facility, if you are the last member to leave.
  • Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult when using the courts or accessing the clubhouse.
  • Co-operate fully, respecting all requests and decisions made by coaches, officials and administrators
  • Be on time for training sessions, matches and competitions
  • Treat opponents and team mates with respect at all times (on and off the court)
  • Be considerate to others and work as a team
  • Use correct and proper language at all times
  • Accept success and failure in a noble/ selfless way
  • Take care of all property belonging to the tennis club or any club member
  • Be responsible for caring for your own equipment, clothing and property
  • Do not wear unsuitable jewellery, clothing or footwear whilst representing the tennis club or at club sessions
  • Do not purchase, sell, consume or be under the influence of alcohol, tobacco products, solvents, illegal drugs or possess dangerous articles (eg knives) whilst representing the tennis club or on the club premises
  • Do not leave sessions without permission of the person in charge (juniors)          

Constitution - September 2015


The name of the club shall be Newlands-Paparangi Tennis Club (Incorporated)


The club is registered under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908


The registered office of the club shall be the residence of the secretary

The objects of the club shall be to:                                                                                         

  • Provide tennis courts and a clubhouse for members
  • Maintain tennis courts, clubhouse and all lands purchased or leased by the club (which may be in conjunction with joint leasee)
  • To facilitate and promote the playing of tennis and other such games as may from time to time be agreed by the committee
  • Apply the club’s funds solely to these objects


The members of the club shall consist of:

Senior members: Full adult membership

Tertiary members: Full time tertiary student     

Junior members: Student under age of 18

Social members: Non-interclub playing adult

Family membership: Comprising of up to two adults and three children

Honorary members: Volunteer member co-opted by and at the discretion of committee

Life members: Members nominated by another club member and approved by the committee for life membership at no financial cost  in recognition of meritorious service to the club. Limited to maximum of 5 people at any one time.        


  • The amount of the annual subscription to be payable shall be determined at each Annual General Meeting of the club
  • The annual subscription shall be payable on or before 31 October of the year in which such subscriptions become payable unless alternative payment arrangements have been made with the Treasurer. The Committee has the right to charge penalty of 10% if subscription remains unpaid after this date unless alternative payment arrangements have been agreed with the Treasurer.
  • If any member’s subscription remains unpaid after 30th  September the committee shall have the power to remove the name of such members from the register of the club, but without releasing such member from liability for payment of the subscription then outstanding. Any member whose name has been taken off the roll under this rule may re-join the club upon payment of all sums due to the club.


  • Any member may resign by advising an officer of the club. If a member breaches the Code of Conduct or acts in a manner inconsistent with the club’s purpose and rules, the Committee has the discretion to call a Special meeting to investigate the matter and determine the action required which may include cessation of membership.


  • The officers of the club shall consist of a President, Club Captain, Junior Convenor, Secretary and Treasurer. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by one person. All officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting at which their successors are appointed; or they resign from office; or the committee elects to remove them from office
  • The club may elect at the Annual General Meeting to pay an Honorarium retrospectively to its officers.


  • The management of the club shall be vested in a committee which shall consist of officers of the club and other elected members. The elected members shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting to hold office until the close of the next Annual General Meeting unless they resign from office or the committee elects to remove them from office. To form a quorum at a meeting of the committee, the number present shall be not less than (4) four.
  • Any vacancy in the elected members of the committee may be filled by the committee for the unexpired term of office. Additional committee member/s may be co-opted by the committee as required at any time either as  Honorary or Paid up member/s of the club.
  • The committee shall have full power to transact all the business of the club including
  • To make, vary and rescind by-laws or regulations in respect of the courts, club house, games competitions, tournaments and other activities of the club, which by-laws or regulations shall be posted up and be binding on all members unless rescinded by General Meeting of the club
  • To appoint and remove sub-committees appointed for any  purpose
  • To co-opt new committee members if required and to remove committee members if required
  • To employ and dismiss salaried officers and contractors
  • To carry out all contracts entered into by the club
  • To oversee the financial management of the club
  • To resolve any disputes or matters not covered by this Constitution
  • To purchase, lease or acquire for the club any real or personal property which the club shall decide to purchase or lease upon such terms and conditions as the committee thinks fit, and to give and execute a mortgage over the lands which the club shall decide to sell or let, and to have power to borrow money as the committee deems fit, provided no land shall be purchased or sold except with the approval of a resolution of the club
  • To purchase, construct and maintain buildings, fences and works as it considers necessary and to enter into contracts in respect thereof
  • To discipline or expel members found guilty of disobeying rules or by-laws of the club


  • The Annual General meeting shall be held in the month of July or  August each year. Written notice of which shall be given to every member, together with a copy of the Annual Report and Balance Sheet duly reviewed or audited, at least (7) seven clear days before the date of such meeting. Notice shall be served by either mail, fax, email, text or hand delivery.
  • A Special General Meeting may be convened at any time by the committee and shall also be convened within twenty-one (21) days after receipt by the secretary of a requisition signed by eight (8) members. At least (7) seven clear days notice of a Special General Meeting shall be given to all members entitled to vote thereat and the notice shall contain the nature of the business to be transacted. Notice shall be served by either mail, fax, email, text or hand delivery.
  • Eight (8) members shall form a quorum at all Special General Meetings of the club
  • Six (6) members shall form a quorum at all Annual General Meetings of the club


  • Every member (excluding juniors) present at a Special or Annual General Meeting, unless prohibited by these rules, shall have one vote. The President shall decide on the voices or a show of hands in the first place, but any member may request a ballot, which will be required if request is seconded by another member. In the case of equality, the President shall have an original as well as a casting vote.


  • The Secretary shall call a meeting of the Committee when directed and also within seven (7) days from the receipt by him/her of a written request signed by two (2) committee members stating the object of the meeting.


  • A reviewer (or auditor) shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the club for the purposes of reviewing (or auditing) the Club’s annual financial accounts.


  • The financial year of the club shall be deemed to commence on 1 June and end on 31 May of the following year
  • All monies received by the club shall be either paid to the Treasurer and lodged to the bank account in the name of club OR lodged directly to the bank account in the name of the club with appropriate reference notated. The bank account is to be operated by any two of the President, Secretary and Treasurer or other nominated committee members.


  • The Secretary shall attend in person or by deputy each meeting of the club and committee, keep full and correct minutes of each meeting, circulate minutes to committee members,  issue notices of meetings when directed, present, conduct and file all correspondence and attend to matters as directed by the committee
  • The Secretary shall keep records of the results of all competitions of the club as provided by the Club Captain
  • The secretary shall keep a list of members and shall at all times comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1993 and provide member’s their details on the membership list upon reasonable request and in compliance with the Privacy Act 1993.


  • The Treasurer shall ensure all subscriptions are paid and lodged to the bank account in the name of the club, be responsible for funds and arrange for payment of accounts as directed by the committee
  • The Treasurer shall present the bank balances and Income and Expendiure statement at each committee meeting
  • The Treasurer shall collate the Annual Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement, arrange for review thereof and present to the club for review at Annual General Meeting


  • The Club captain or his deputy shall be responsible for discipline and control of play on the courts
  • The Club captain shall select all senior teams and organise Club events as and when required
  • The Club captain shall provide the results of all competitions of the club to the secretary


  • (a) The Junior convenor will organise and co-ordinate all matters relating to the junior members of the club including but not limited to registrations, junior club sessions, coaching and interclub.
    (b) The Junior convenor may co-opt offers to assist with the above as and when required.


  • All real and personal property of the club shall be held and disposed of in the corporate name and title of the club which, as such, may sue and be sued and may recover any monies due to the club whether by a member or not


  • The committee shall have the power to prohibit play on any courts it may consider unfit for use and to set aside all or any of the courts for tournaments and matches or for the use of a third party


  • The club shall be affiliated to the governing body of tennis in the Wellington region
  • The delegates to such governing body shall be appointed by the committee


  • The Constitution shall be publicly available via the Internet (Click Here) and on the club’s website
  • No rule of the club shall be repealed or altered and no new rule shall be made unless passed by a majority of two-thirds of the members present at a Special or Annual General Meeting, seven (7) clear days notice of which has been previously given including notice of the intention to propose such repeal or alteration or new rule. Every such alteration shall be forwarded to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies for registration before it can take effect


The club shall have a common seal which shall be kept in the custody of the secretary and be used by the secretary only when directed by Resolution passed by the committee.


The club may be wound up voluntarily if the club at a Special General meeting of its members, of which fourteen (14) days notice to members shall be given, passes a resolution requiring the club so as to be wound up and such resolution is confirmed at a subsequent Special General Meeting called for that purpose and of which fouteen (14) days notice to members shall have been given and held not earlier than thirty (30) days after the date on which the resolution so to be confirmed was passed; such winding up shall be carried out in all matters in accordance with the provisions of ‘The Incorporated Societies Act 1908’. “If any property remains after the winding up or dissolution of the club and the settlement of all the club’s debts and liabilities, that property must be given or transferred to another organisation that is charitable under New Zealand law or for some other charitable purpose recognised under New Zealand law”.


All complaints must be made in writing and handed to the Secretary for consideration by the committee. Any case not provided for in these Rules on any question arising as to their interpretation shall be decided by the committee who may require to meet with the complainant and any members named in the complaint to assist with their investigation. The Committee’s decision shall be final and binding on the parties and shall be advised in writing to the complainant and to any members named in the complaint. All members shall be deemed to have notice of and be bound by these rules.