Our Junior Tennis programmes across the region kick off for the 2024/25 season in the second week of Term 4! Here's a snapshot of what we offer:
Hot Shots Tennis
Mondays - Kurow
Tuesdays - Omarama, Twizel and Waimate
Wednesdays - Ōamaru
Beginners (Red): Discovering and developing tennis specific skills including an introduction to specific tennis strokes, basic strategies and the rally.
Intermediate (Orange): Exploring and developing more complex tennis specific skills in conjunction with additional and more complex game related strategies.
Advanced (Green): Refining more complex tennis specific skills and game related strategies and completing the transition to full-court tennis.
Please get in touch if you are unsure of your child's level.
Subs are $70 per child, per term. If you are registering three or more children from the same family, our family rate is $150. This is payable prior to the start of Hot Shots.
Please register on the Registration section of our wesbite. This will give you the option of paying using a credit or debit card.
Register NOW: https://clubspark.kiwi/NorthOtago/Membership/Join
Junior Development
Junior Development with Coach Robin Jamieson is an opportunity for juniors to practice their skills in top spin, slicing, volleying, serving and scoring.
This is for all juniors who have progressed from Hot Shots and are ready to take their tennis to the next level and get into full-court match play - it does not matter if you are at primary, intermediate or high school.
Teams will be made up on the day depending on abilities and the number of people. This means there is a grade for everyone no matter what your ability.
Day: Wednesdays
Time: From 4.00 pm
Location: Chelmer Street Grass Courts - 39A Chelmer Street, Ōamaru
Subs are $70 per term. If you are registering three or more children from the same family, our family rate is $150. This is payable prior to the start of the season.
Please register on the Registration section of our wesbite. This will give you the option of paying using a credit or debit card.
Register NOW: https://clubspark.kiwi/NorthOtago/Membership/Join