Member Subscriptions


The membership year begins 1 September and all subscriptions will be invoiced by 30 September; however, players may join at any time! 

Please contact membership if you would prefer to pay your Annual Subscription as a monthly fee (admin fee is charged).

If for any reason you would like to join for a part year you should make contact on and advise your circumstances.  We don't offer a summer only membership.

Alternatively, visitors are always welcome and can pay $10 pp casual green fees (payment via internet banking to TKHP Tennis 03-0802-0119353-00  ref 'greenfee')

Please Register using this form :   Membership

You will receive an invoice via email once your membership and category is confirmed.


CATEGORY                                                             PRICE : 2023-24 

5% discount for 2 or more family members at the same address.

Seniors                                                                              $390 

Senior Interclub fee                                                       $60            (This is a contribution to team entry fee & balls)

U25 or Fulltime Student                                                $270      (Copy of ID is required) 

Off Peak Midweek   (M-F 9am-3.00pm)                    $280  

Family (no further discount applies)                          $895

2 adults and 2 children  OR 1 adult and 3 children 

Junior        (under 19 @ 31 December)                         $270                                     

Playing Junior Interclub and includes one hour weekly team coaching.

Club T-shirts are required by all Interclub juniors and will be levied at $10 per season. The replacement cost is $40 should you not return the shirt. 

Hot Shots                                                                          $230    

- includes one weekly coaching session which includes game play 

-usually under 12years, no interclub competition