Weekly Tennis Events

The club holds many weekly events that are open to members and non-members alike:

Social Nights - ages 16+

We run two adult social tennis nights each week:

  1. Tuesday Nights @ 7:00pm - 9:00pm

  2. Thursday Nights @ 7:00pm - 9:00pm


  • Casual entry is $10 per person per night (club members can play for free). Your first social night is free - we'd love for you to drop by and join us
  • All skill levels are welcome, generally ranging from beginners (S12) to advanced (S6)
  • Everyone aged 16+ is welcome.
  • Bring your tennis racquet, the club will supply the tennis balls. If you don't have a racquet, most members have a spare you can borrow.
  • There will be either a Seed Tennis coach or a club committee member running the night. If you're not sure who to ask questions, check with anyone around the court and they will be able to point you in the right direction.


Junior Social - ages 5+

  • Saturdays @ 5pm
  • Free for junior members of the club
  • Run by Seed Tennis head coach for Te Atatu, Hugo Santos
  • Contact us for more details either through Facebook chat or the Contact Us page


Veterans Tuesday Tennis - ages 50+

  • Tuesdays @ 9am - 12pm
  • $3 per session, includes morning tea
  • Leslie Wymer is the club contact, for more details - chat to us through our Contact Us page or Facebook Chat and we can put you in touch


Midweek Tennis - all ages

  • Wednesdays @ 9:30am - 12pm
  • $3 per session, includes morning tea
  • Isobel Baker is the club contact, for more details - chat to us through our Contact Us page or Facebook Chat and we can put you in touch