Minutes from the Tennis Otago AGM - 25 July 2024


Fraser Richardson (Board), John Alexander (Board, Life Member), Gavin Mockford (Board, Andersons Bay), Simon Body (Board), Tom de Pelsemaeker (Board), Margaret Borland (Life Member), Peter Dick (Balmacewen), Philip Mirfin (Andersons Bay), Peter Henderson (Cosy Dell), Edwin van Broekhoven (Mornington), Russell Hancox (Otago Masters), Keith Towns (Otago Masters), Belinda Symons. 

AGM Convened: 7:04pm

Apologies:  Dennis Radford (Life Member), Sarah & Hunter Stevenson (Balmacewen), Ahmad Abdul-Rahman (Board), Zoe Berryman (Board) 

Minutes of 2023 AGM:  The minutes of the 2023 AGM were accepted as a true and correct record.  Moved: Edwin van Broekhoven. Seconded: Peter Dick. 

Matters arising from the 2023 minutes: N/A 

Chair Report - Fraser Richardson:


Fraser Richardson presented the Chair’s Report and asked that it be taken as read while highlighting a few points: 

  • Fraser welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending, including the two life members present – Margaret Borland and John Alexander. 

  • Strategic plan: about six months ago the Tennis Otago Board approved an updated Strategic Plan. It sets out the key areas where we want to direct the association’s resources and efforts.  

  • It has a greater emphasis on player development and on participation, competitions, and representative tennis.  

  • The General Manager and External Finance Administrator roles are being disestablished and replaced with three new roles:  

  • A broader Administrator position - between 15-25 hours per week. The overall purpose of the role is to provide timely and accurate administrative support to Tennis Otago with a focus on finance administration, grant funding, general compliance, facility management, communication, and Board and committee support;  

  • A new Game Development position - up to 15 hours per week from August to March. The overall purpose of the role is to drive and maintain tennis participation and engagement within Otago with a focus on grassroots participation, player pathways, and having input into tournaments and competitions;  

  • A new Interclub Coordinator position - around five hours per week from August to March. In partnership with the Game Development Officer, the Interclub Committee and affiliated clubs, the person appointed to this role will design and administer junior and senior interclub tennis competitions that meet the needs of the tennis community.  

Treasurer's Report - John Alexander:

John Alexander presented the Treasurer’s Report and the audited financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2024.  

  • The audited financial reports for the year ended 30 April 2024 show a net deficit after depreciation of $30,750 compared to a deficit of $1,905 for the previous year, a deterioration of $28,845.  

  • Material revenue variances over last year:   

  • Grant income down by 14% to $55,292. While we have a reasonable process in place for making funding applications, there is room for improvement, particularly around increasing the probability of securing a larger proportion of the funding we actually apply for and targeting the right charities and being aware of new grant funding opportunities as they arise.  

  • Rental income was up by 56% to $34,658 as a result of the Otago Rugby Football Union basing themselves in our pavilion from 1 July through until the 6th of October. This was a temporary situation while they had to vacate their premises at Forsyth Barr Stadium.  

  • Interest income is up on 2023/24 as a result of recent interest rate increases and having $70,000 on term deposit for the full year.  

  • Other revenue streams were similar to last year but there is scope to improve a number of them, including gate takings, car park rental, court signage, court and venue hire.  


  • Material cost variances over last year:   

  • While costs are up $33,392 on last year, the increase can be largely attributed to court insurance, repairs and maintenance to the squash court roof and the purchase of tennis gear and team uniforms that weren’t covered by grant funding.  

  • Insurance costs were up by $13,000 over last year. Of this, $8,500 related to court insurance for the new courts, which we took out for the first time, $2,500 related to an Initial Seismic Assessment (ISA) we had done on the pavilion and squash courts for insurance purposes plus $1,500 for an updated building valuation, a prerequisite for insurance renewal. Since 30 April 2024, we have negotiated new insurance terms with Apex Insurance, Tennis NZ’s preferred insurance provider which will result in premium savings of $5,300 per annum going forward.  

  • Damage to the squash court roof caused by extreme winds in late 2023, resulted in roof repairs costing $16,437, of which $9,557 was covered by an insurance claim.  

  • There were purchases made during the year for balls, prizes and team uniforms amounting to $8,700, most of which wasn’t covered by grant funding.  

  • Increased staffing costs of $5,000 over last year are due to salary increases and an increase in hours for the General Manager. With the restructuring of our staffing requirements being carried out from July 2024 to better align roles with the objectives of our strategic plan, particularly around player development, this will result in some projected cost savings going forward.  


  • Statement of Financial Position  

  • The Statement of Financial Position shows net current assets (current assets less current liabilities) of $72,676 in 2023/24 compared with $76,794 in 2022/23. Current assets include $119,856 which is either in cash, on call or short-term deposit. Since 2022/23 we have managed to maintain a consistent level of funds on term deposit. Ideally, we would like to have enough on term deposit to cover one years’ operating expenditure.   


Redevelopment - John Alexander:


John Alexander presented the redevelopment report. 

We received a grant agreement notification in June from the Lottery Community Facilities Fund (LCFF) advising us that we were being offered a grant of $100,000. 

 The amount of the grant is considerably less than the $247,200 we applied for in February due to the LCFF having contributed significantly towards the costs associated with cyclone Gabrielle in 2023. Consequently, the budget for Stage 2 has had to be reduced from $380,000 to $233,000, meaning that the scope of work that can realistically be undertaken will be significantly less. The board have resolved however that it is better to continue and do what we can now and use the funding we have secured, rather than deferring the project further.   

The gate and building need to be altered to make them wheelchair friendly. There will be four to six courts resurfaced, pickleball courts and possibly a half basketball court.  

The funds are in place and we have a project manager. Work can start on the pavilion now and the courts when the weather warms up. 

A plan and start date will be sent to clubs. 


Proposed Affiliation & Team Fees for 2024/25 Season: 

CPI increase for the year to 31 March 2024 = 4.0%

Proposed affiliation fees:

This is the first increase in affiliation fees since the 2019/20 season and is necessary due to the affiliation fees Tennis Otago pay Tennis NZ increased in each of the last two years and which will be the case again for the 2024/25 season. 

Proposed team fees: 

Fraser moved to adopt the proposed affiliation fees and team fees. 

Seconded: Peter Dick. 



Election of the Board:  


Andrew Rouvi stood down and was thanked by Fraser, on behalf of the Board, for his contribution to Tennis Otago over the past year.  

Fraser Richardson completed his two-year term. He stood down and offered       himself for re-election. 

 John Alexander, and Gavin Mockford completed the first year of their two-year   term. They stood down and offered themselves for re-election. 

Simon Body was co-opted onto the Board during the year and is standing for election. 

This created five vacancies on the Board (the Constitution requires that at least four vacancies are created each year). 

There were no new applications received to join the Board 

Given four candidates were nominated to fill up to eight Board positions, no election was required.  


Keith Towns moved that the four members who stood down and were seeking election/reelection to the Board, be approved. 

Seconded: Margaret Borland. 



The Board members for 2024/25 are Fraser Richardson, John Alexander, Gavin Mockford, Ahmad Abdul-Rahman, Tom de Pelsemaeker, Zoe Berryman and Simon Body  


Notice of Motion: 


Received from Tennis Otago that Chris Saxton of Saxton Chartered Accountants be appointed Tennis Otago Inc auditor for the 2024/25 financial year. 


  Moved: Fraser Richardson. 

  Seconded: John Alexander 


General Business: 

Peter Henderson – John Alexander’s name is not yet on the Honors Board. TOI – this will be remedied immediately. 

Keith Towns – expressed thanks on behalf of Otago Masters to the Board and Tennis Otago members for running tennis this year. 

John Alexander – would like to see a representative from each club on the Interclub Committee this year. Peter Smith from Taieri is happy to be a part of it. 

Fraser Richardson – interclub information will be out to clubs in the next ten days and hope to have the first meeting of the Interclub Committee around August 10th. 

Gavin Mockford – in order to catch the students before they leave town, the premier division will start earlier this year. 


Fraser Richardson thanked everyone for attending and invited them to stay for a hot drink. 


Meeting Closed 7.43pm