Twilight tennis

Wednesday evenings: Oct 16,23,30. Nov 6 (Semi’s), 13 (Finals). Rain date for finals Nov 20.   

5pm start.

We have 4 teams and the format has been adjusted accordingly. We will use all 4 courts.

Team 1                                                                      

John Lindsay (C)                                              
Brendon McQuire                                              
Jim Miller                                                            
Nicky Ogilvie                                                    
Vivian Hindmarsh                                              
Sherryn McDonald                                            

Team 2

Kushla Currie (C)
Jenny Hall
Margaret Kerridge
Pete Syred
Grant Andrews
Dave Chamberlain

Team 3                                                            

Emily Kenyon (C)                                          
Dave Evans                                                  
Colin Burgess                                                
Max Armstrong                                              
Tessa Shaw                                                    
Barbara Woods                                              

Team 4

Doug Martin (C)
Emilio Goloboff
Alex Balfour
Monika Moy
Sarah Hazell
Robyn Kerr


Reserves: Tina Semmens, Luke Carter, Brent Ivory, Jack Armstrong, Colin Burnett, Blair McLeod


1. Captain’s please make sure 4 players are available each week. One player must be a woman. 


2. Tournament fees to be paid before the first match. $20 for members, $40 for non members.

Waiheke Tennis Club: 12 3114 0026974 00 ( include your name and the word Twilight)


3. Captains rank their players 1 to 4. The format of play will be as per Interclub ( Super men’s and women’s). Each player plays 3 matches.


4. Oct 16th     Team 1 plays 2. Team 3 plays 4.

    Oct 23rd     Team 1 plays 3. Team 2 plays 4.

    Oct 30th     Team 1 plays 4. Team 2 plays 3.

    Nov 6th      Top scoring team plays bottom team.

                      Second team plays third.

    Nov 13th    Top 2 scoring teams play and bottom 2 teams play.

    Nov 20th    Rain date for Finals.


5. Match format: First to 5 games. If 5 all then a tie breaker to 7 pts.

Sudden deuces played throughout except the tie breaker.     Receivers choose who receives but if available a woman must receive a woman’s serve. 


6. An overall match win earns 2 points. A draw 1 point. A countback system will be in place if needed.


7. Captains please complete the score sheet provided and give it to Sarah. An overall score sheet will be on the club notice board.


8. If any round is rained off then it is skipped. The exception is the finals.


9. On finals night we will provide refreshments and prizes :)