Membership: $70 per annum for juniors up to 18 years of age at 1 October. This runs from 1 October to 30 September. Sign up by clicking on the Memership tab above.
Benefits of Membership:
- All year round court access
- Access to small group coaching sessions with Justin Megraw on Tuesday after school (Terms 4 & 1 - note this is an additional cost)
- Fun club day on Thursday after school (Terms 4 & 1)
- Affiliation fees to Tennis NZ
- Ability to play tournaments and interclub
- Great fun, fresh air, exercise and new friends
Coaching Sessions - Tuesdays (Term 1 & 4)
Coach Justin Megraw from No 1 Tennis will be running junior coaching small group sessions on Tuesday after school. Please note that this is an additional charge to the membership fee and is payable directly to Justin.
To join up for coaching please visit website: www.no1tennis.co.nz
Or contact Justin Megraw Ph: 021 08355422 or email justin@no1tennis.co.nz
Club Day- Thursdays (Term 1 & 4):
This is an organised practice session for the juniors. It is split into two sessions:
- 3:30-4:15pm - primary age kids - focus is on ball skills and fun games
- 4:30-5:30pm - intermediate and high school kids - focus on match play
Note these sessions will be run by volunteers and older juniors. Rackets are available to use.
If you have any questions please contact our Junior Coordinator, Chanel Prasad on 022 0820118