December 2024

Hi Club Members,
It has been a great start to the tennis season and, hopefully, everyone has enjoyed their interclub matches and social tennis.
Ray and Aly Adams Mixed Doubles Tournament 2024
A great day greeted a full field of 25 pairings for this annual event – 12 pairs in Division 1 and 13 in Division 2. The tennis was outstanding with many, many tight matches in both Divisions. Thanks to all the participants.
Division 1 Results:
Championship: Euan Colley and Louise Welte
R / U: Drew Smith and Kelly Atkins
Plate: Simon Angland and Margo Angland
R / U: Chris Neves and Natalie Neves
Consolation: Ryan Lundy and Rachel Rogan
R / U: Fraser Brown and Sandra Lewis.
Spoon: Geoff Topham and Debi Topham
R / U: Simon Lynch and Sarah Croft
Division 2 Results
Championship: Sam Kater and Hashmita Mistry
R / U: Graeme Norman and Mary Harper
Plate: Blair Harden and Nicole Harden
R / U: Josh Peters and Sue Peters
Consolation: Daniel Collins and Inge Wisselink
R / U: Stan Malcolm and Emma Wyles
Spoon: Mark Somerville-Ryan and Emily Somerville-Ryan
R / U: Mike Bull and Debs Lowther
Junior Tennis
This Saturday morning (14th December) is our last junior coaching for the year. It is our Special Santa day with lots of games and fun. Bring your best smile and a hat! Santa 14th December 9am, 10am, 11am.
Junior interclub
Thank you so much for your brilliant work co-ordinating and organising your teams each week. Hopefully all the kids have had a great start to the season. Tennis coaching has now ended for the year and final interclub matches played.
Results are now being updated. However we do know that our U18A girls are champions and the top of 25 tennis clubs in Tennis Northern. This is an incredible achievement and we are very prooud of you all. Some of these team members are heading off to University so we wish you the very best.
U18A Girls Champions
Abby Jenkins, Isla Sweetman, Laura Blick-Moroney, Imogen O'Rourke, Sasha MacDonald, Charlotte Crotty, Ivy Denton
Here are some important dates for 2025 for you to put in your diaries and forward on to your teams please.
Interclub coaching begins: week beginning Monday 10th February 2025
Interclub games begin: Friday 14th, Saturday 15th, Sunday 16th February 2025
Saturday Morning Tennis begins: 8th February-29th March
Junior Club Champs: Monday 31st March. FINALS Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th April
Have a wonderful Christmas break and see you all in the new year.
Geoff and Emily
Squash update
Sam O'Brien has won our senior club champs with Matt Graham as runner up. Junior club champs have been postponed due to exams. Women's and Junior club champs will be held early in 2025.
Masters Spring Pennant was a nail biting final with our Belmont Division 2 missing out by 1 point but winning the runners up award.
Rafa Yam has had a very successful year and was awarded Takapuna Grammar School Coach of the year winner. He also won College Sport Special Award for contribution to secondary school sports. And Manu was also a Harbour sports finalist for community and club coach of the year.
Rafa Yam was nominated for Performance Coach of the Year at the Squash Excellence awards.
Congratulations to Manu and Rafa from all Belmont Park Racquets members.
Sadly, Squash Auckland has lost an incredibly valued member with the passing of Kaye Jackson.
Her warmth, dedication, and unwavering enthusiasm for all aspects of our game from playing, administration, coaching, refereeing and everything in between will be deeply missed.
Tennis dates
Here are our Senior Club Champ dates for next year. Please put them in your diary. We'd love to see as many members as possible entering.
Senior Tennis Club Championship Dates 2024/25
Monday 7 April
Tuesday 8 April
Wednesday 9 April
Thursday 10 April
School Holidays
Saturday 12 April – Sunday 27 April
Easter Friday 18 April – Monday 22 April
Anzac Day Friday 25 April
Monday 14 April – if players are available
Tuesday 15 April – if players are available
Wednesday 16 April – if players are available
Monday 28 April
Tuesday 29 April
Wednesday 30 April
Thursday 1 May
Sunday 4 May Mixed Doubles
Monday 5 May
Tuesday 6 May
Wednesday 7 May
Thursday 8 May
Saturday 10 May FINALS
Sunday 11 May FINALS
Current tennis activity at the club
- Monday evening is Mens Night at 7pm
- Tuesday evening is Ladies Night at 7pm
- Sunday afternoon is Mixed Doubles at 3pm.
- These happen all year round - simply turn up, put your name on the board and have a hit.
Finally, from all the Belmont Park committee, we wish you all a very happy christmas. We hope the upcoming holiday season is filled with sunshine and fun!